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Russians honor the memory of the victims of the Great Patriotic War

Russians honor the memory of the victims of the Great Patriotic War

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Tomorrow in Crimea the annual All-Russian patriotic event “Candle of Memory” will take place, dedicated to the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow. On June 22, in the cities of the peninsula, at memorials, as throughout the world, candles will be lit in memory of those who fell during the Great Patriotic War.

For the residents of our country, our peninsula, this is an unforgettable, tragic date. According to a study conducted yesterday by the Dialogue Regions ANO, 82% of Russians consider it important to maintain the significance of the date June 22 at the state level and hold commemorative events. On this day, 79% of Russians honor the memory of the victims of the Great Patriotic War and remember the feat of the older generation. In our country they do everything to preserve and protect history and culture, traditional spiritual and moral values. In 2023, under the President of Russia, the National Center for Historical Memory was created, which consolidates efforts to preserve historical memory and combat its falsification.

By tradition, deputies of the State Council of the Republic of Crimea, representatives of the State Committee for Youth Policy of the Republic of Crimea, and youth associations of the peninsula will take part in the events.

The public opinion study was conducted by the Dialogue Regions ANO on June 17, 2024 online using the River Sampling method among 1,200 Russians over 18 years of age.

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