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Save in 30 minutes: Crimean rescuers trained on difficult tourist routes

Save in 30 minutes: Crimean rescuers trained on difficult tourist routes

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The holiday season is coming to an end. However, there are no fewer tourists on the Crimean peninsula — the velvet season is ahead. This year, weather forecasters predict a warm sea and comfortable weather until mid-October, which means that the work of the employees of the Specialized Detachment of the Main Directorate of the EMERCOM of Russia in the Republic of Crimea will not decrease. Since the beginning of the year, Crimean rescuers have made 73 trips to provide assistance in the mountainous forest area, as a result, 82 people have been rescued.

Save in 30 minutes: Crimean rescuers trained on difficult tourist routes

Once a month, employees of the mountain search and rescue unit improve their professional skills in the course of practical exercises for rescuing and transporting victims. As a rule, the most difficult sections of tourist routes are selected, where emergencies occur most often. These are rocky reliefs, mountain paths or underwater caves.— said in the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Republic of Crimea.

Save in 30 minutes: Crimean rescuers trained on difficult tourist routes

Today, August 25, one of these trainings took place in the area of ​​the popular tourist route — the Golitsyn trail. It is here, during the season, that Crimean rescuers provide assistance to victims more often than in other parts of the peninsula.

Save in 30 minutes: Crimean rescuers trained on difficult tourist routes

According to legend, a tourist as part of a group of divers decided to dive into Fidel’s cave. It is popular with fans of extreme recreation due to the unique underground landscape and underwater lake. During the dive, the man hit his head on a stalagmite, and could not get to the surface on his own. Comrades turned to the rescuers for help.

Save in 30 minutes: Crimean rescuers trained on difficult tourist routes

In order to find the conditionally victim, the divers had to swim about two meters under water. The cave is located just above sea level and has two entrances 5-6 meters long. Both of them are quite narrow, it is difficult to swim along them, not to mention the transportation of the victim. In addition, the cave itself is cool, about 15 degrees in the summer.

The participants of the training practiced searching for a simulated victim using climbing equipment, techniques for the safe movement of rescuers in conditions of natural obstacles, methods of orienting in a cave and ensuring the safety of personnel, as well as immobilizing a simulated victim and providing him with first aid— said in the emergency department.

Save in 30 minutes: Crimean rescuers trained on difficult tourist routes

Despite the fact that the victim was conditional, the work of rescuers was real. The specialists quickly and confidently performed the actions that are necessary in a real emergency, demonstrating their high level of professional training. Such training not only helps to keep the lifeguards in shape and professional level, they also allow timely identification of new areas that may be dangerous for inexperienced tourists.

News of the Crimea | CrimeaPRESS

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