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«School Museum 360VR»: Digital Education Center for Children «IT-cube. Sevastopol» implements a unique project

CrimeaPRESS reports:

At the Center for Digital Education of Children “IT-cube. Sevastopol», speaking about the project «School Museum 360VR», they note: in it, children combine the past and future, bring history to life with new technologies.

Schoolchildren interactively talk about the heroes, significant places and sights that are reflected in the school museums of Sevastopol. The guys study archival documents and expositions, take panoramas of historical locations and monuments, and on their basis, using the PanoQuiz platform, create VR tours and game quests.

These works have already been used in the lessons of «Sevastopol» in the schools of the city.

«Школьный музей 360VR»: Центр цифрового образования детей «IT-куб. Севастополь» реализует уникальный проект

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