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Scientists, doctors, diplomats: Crimeans named professions whose representatives need high intelligence

Scientists, doctors, diplomats: Crimeans named professions whose representatives need high intelligence

CrimeaPRESS reports:

In the top 3 areas of activity for people with high IQ are science, medicine and the diplomatic service. Economically active citizens from Crimea took part in an open survey of the SuperJob service for finding highly paid jobs.

16% of Crimeans believe that a high level of intelligence is needed in scientific professions. In second place are doctors (10% of the vote). According to one in eleven, IQ above average is necessary to work as a diplomat. A high level of intelligence is necessary primarily for programmers, 9% of the townspeople believe. Professions such as engineer and teacher each received 6% of the votes. 5% say that leadership positions in any field of activity should be occupied by specialists with high IQ. 1% of respondents each believe that lawyers and rescuers need high intellectual abilities. Every tenth respondent is sure that a high level of intelligence is necessary for representatives of any profession, from skilled workers to top managers— noted in the press service of the service.

Among other professions whose representatives need a high IQ, the residents of Crimea named astronauts, pilots, journalists, musicians, analysts, judges, writers and translators.

Men more often believe that a high level of intelligence is necessary for engineers and diplomats, women — for scientists, doctors and teachers.

Time: August 1-17, 2023

News of the Crimea | CrimeaPRESS

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