Selection for the Mayak media teams festival has started in Sevastopol
CrimeaPRESS reports:
The team of the Sevastopol Station of Young Technicians announced the start of the All-Russian Festival of Media Teams «Mayak». Children from 10 to 18 years old can participate in the event. There are 3 directions at the festival:
1. Photo
2. Video
3. Design
The task of the qualifying stage for participants is to send greetings from their hometown in the format of a photo, video or postcard, which will convey the atmosphere of their favorite place. Competitors can participate in one or all directions at once. So more chances to win.
You can apply and send your work until August 20 on the website: https://competition-mayak.rf/
The final of the All-Russian festival of media teams «Mayak» will be held in Sevastopol in October. Professional directors, cameramen, journalists, artists and designers will work with the finalists. The event is supported by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.
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