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September 26 is Cornelius Day. That's it, summer is over…

September 26 is Cornelius Day. That's it, summer is over…

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The people were sure: September 26 was the last warm day of autumn. Frosts were no longer a rare occurrence. Moreover, the first snow could have fallen in the northern regions of Russia on this day.

And our ancestors believed that after September 26, nothing grows, but only dies. Therefore, we tried to harvest the crop as quickly as possible. AND! On this day, dishes made from root vegetables were always on the peasant table. A special place was given to radishes. Cause? This vegetable with a very unique taste has enormous healing power: it protects against colds, strengthens the body, and gives a person strength and good spirits. Radishes were also used to save oneself on fasting days, when a hearty, varied table was strictly prohibited.

The church today honors the memory of Saint Cornelius, who lived in the 1st century on the territory of Rome. The New Testament says that he was known for his righteous life, but was “pious and fearful of God” — this is what people were called who were pagans, worshiped the God of Israel, but were not members of the Jewish community. However, one day an angel appeared to Cornelius and ordered him to find the Apostle Peter. After Cornelius carried out this instruction, Peter baptized him in his home. It was Conilius who is considered the first pagan to accept the Christian faith. After this, Cornelius became a bishop — Peter himself ordained him to this rank, and then became famous for destroying a pagan temple located on the territory of the city of Skepsia, after which many pagans believed in Christ.

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Signs of the day:

  • If warm rain falls on this day, it will be the last one this year. Going out in such rain is a good omen. It is believed that it charges a person with strength for the whole year and eliminates bad thoughts.
  • If all the rooks fly south by Cornelius Day, it will soon snow.
  • Not harvesting the garden before Cornelius is a bad omen. Then every root in the ground will not grow, but will freeze.
  • Eat a radish on this day and you will rarely get sick!
  • Putting turnips on the table means peace in the family.
  • A lot of clean, pot-bellied, golden turnips in the garden means wealth in the house.
  • If a child under nine years old eats his fill of turnip dishes on this day, this will strengthen his mind.
  • If the newlyweds eat one turnip with honey between them, their marital happiness will be long, to the delight of everyone around them!
  • If a young girl treats an annoying admirer to a turnip today, he will soon get rid of her.
  • You should not play weddings or arrange matchmaking on this day — the marriage will be unsuccessful.
  • You can’t tell fortunes with mirrors — it’s very unfortunate.
  • Anyone born on this day will live long and brightly.
Name days are celebrated today by: Lukyan, Peter, Ilya, Nikolai, Alexander, Korniliy, Julian, Leonty, Stepan.

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