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September 8 — Day of Andrian and Natalia Ovsyanitsa

September 8 — Day of Andrian and Natalia Ovsyanitsa

CrimeaPRESS reports:

On September 8, the peasants finished harvesting the oats. By the way, the last oat sheaf had a ritual meaning. In the old days, it was placed in the corner of the house and stored until the next harvest. Our ancestors believed that he drives away evil spirits and protects the owners of the house from all evil. Women had high hopes for him. It was said that the last sheaf serves as a comforter in sorrows and keeps women’s eyes from vain tears.

Also on September 8, they began to collect mountain ash and viburnum. These berries were valued for their medicinal properties. Infusions, teas, jams from them were used to treat a variety of ailments. Healers say that viburnum and mountain ash increase immunity, restore strength. And yet, since viburnum has gelling properties, in Rus’ they often made kissels, marshmallows, and marmalade from it.

On September 8, the day they baked pancakes. Washed them down with lingonberry or oatmeal jelly. They also tried to definitely treat the horses, pouring a lot of oats on them — according to signs, this will help the cattle to be strong and healthy.

The church now honors the memory of the holy martyr Natalia, as well as her husband Andrian, who lived in Nicodemia around the beginning of the 4th century, not far from the coast of the Sea of ​​​​Marmara. Natalya herself was born and raised in a Christian family, but she married the pagan Andrian, who could boast of wealth and wealth. The couple lived together for a little more than 1 year, after which the persecution of the followers of the Christian faith began. Then Emperor Maximilian arrived in Nicodemia, and at that time 23 Christians were caught, who were subjected to the most severe tortures. Andrian, even then a pagan, was amazed at the steadfastness with which people accepted torment. As a result, he himself believed in Christ. Then the pagans seized him and sent him to prison. Natalia immediately hurried to visit her husband in prison. In the same place, soon Andrian was subjected to various torments, and all this time Natalia was next to him, who also deserved a martyr’s crown.

Notes of the day:

  • Cold morning — to early winter.
  • A lot of mountain ash — to the cold.
  • The leaves of the oak and birch have not yet fallen off — by the harsh winter.
  • A lot of mushrooms — there will be no «Indian summer».
  • There are a lot of mushrooms — to a good bite of pike perch.
  • Saint Natalia on this day should pray for marital happiness and good relations between relatives. This can be done both in church and at home.
  • Hearing the singing of oatmeal is fortunate.
  • Put a rowan branch at home on September 8 — to good relations in the family. This branch can also be used as a talisman at a wedding.
  • A rowan branch plucked on this day also protects from the evil influence of the afterlife: nightmares about the dead, the appearance of the living dead, etc.
  • A cross made of rowan wood is able to protect from any trouble.
  • Drinking rowan wine on this day is for good health.
  • If a girl born on this day is called Natalya, she will be happy and live long.
Name days are celebrated today: Natalia, Peter, Victor, Adrian, Roman, Dmitry, George.

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