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Sergei Aksyonov about Gvardeyskoye: “The state of the settlement does not stand up to criticism”

Sergei Aksyonov about Gvardeyskoye: “The state of the settlement does not stand up to criticism”

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The Head of the Republic of Crimea made a working visit to the Gvardeyskoye rural settlement of the Simferopol region, during which appeals and complaints from citizens were processed. And Sergei Aksenov sharply condemned the work of the administration of the district and rural settlement in sanitary cleaning and cleaning.

The condition of the settlement does not stand up to criticism: there are piles of construction waste everywhere, the grass is not cut, the right-of-way along the railway has not been cleared. The park area near school-gymnasium No. 3 is in disgusting condition. It is urgent to put everything in order,” the Head of Crimea emphasized.

The head of the republic gave the leadership of the municipality a week to correct the situation.

He addressed the deputies of the Simferopol District Council with a recommendation to initiate the issue of bringing to disciplinary liability (a reprimand) the head of the administration of the Gvardeysky rural settlement, Igor Vyacheslavovich Chichkin. A remark to the head of the Simferopol district administration, Denis Vasilyevich Kratyuk. Within a week, order should be restored in full. Otherwise, more stringent penalties may be applied, up to and including dismissal.said the Head of Crimea.

During the visit, special attention was paid to the actions taken to provide residents of the area with clean drinking water. According to Denis Kratyuk, the drilling schedule for new wells is planned to be published next week. At the same time, current problems are being solved: the State Unitary Enterprise of the Republic of Crimea “Water of Crimea” has already adjusted the water pressure in the water supply system in Strogonovka, and work is currently being carried out in Trudovoy and Ana-Yurt.

Find out more:  В Севастополе стартовала сельскохозяйственная ярмарка

Sergei Aksyonov also recalled that by July 1, work on profiling dirt roads and filling them with crushed stone should be completed in the area. Denis Kratyuk informed that out of 700 kilometers of roads, another 162 kilometers remain to be graded. There are 8 teams working in the area without falling behind the established schedule.

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