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Sergey Aksyonov: “For thirty years, the Russian community of Crimea has been defending the values ​​of the Russian world”

Sergey Aksyonov: “For thirty years, the Russian community of Crimea has been defending the values ​​of the Russian world”

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The Russian community of Crimea will celebrate its 30th anniversary in 2023. The Head of the Republic of Crimea took part in the Community Council, which took place in Simferopol. According to Sergei Aksenov, the organization’s activities largely prepared the ideological ground for the reunification of Crimea with Russia.

For thirty years, the Russian community of Crimea has been defending the values ​​of the Russian world. In 2014, with the support of President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin and the Crimeans, our common cause was realized, and Crimea was reunited with Russia. I thank Sergei Pavlovich Tsekov, with whom I began my journey in politics, for firmness and honesty in the most difficult conditions– the press service quotes the Head of the Republic.

Sergei Aksyonov also added that the work that the Russian community of Crimea continues is relevant in today’s realities.

We see how now virtually the entire collective West is opposing our country. They are trying to crush us with sanctions; in many countries, Russians, Russian-speaking people need protection from oppression. For the Russian community of Crimea, this is a new stage of work and struggle for the preservation and development of our culture and traditions, now all over the worldsays the Head of Crimea.

In conclusion, Sergei Aksyonov emphasized the need for consolidation around the national interests and values ​​of the Russian world and the importance of supporting the President and the soldiers who courageously and honorably carry out all assigned tasks.

REFERENCE. The Russian community of Crimea is a public organization of the Russian population of Crimea. The decision to create the community was made on October 23, 1993, and official registration took place in March 1994.

source: Department of Information and Press Service of the Head of the Republic of Crimea

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