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Sergey Aksyonov on the situation with emergency power outages: «People complain about the rudeness of call centers»

Sergey Aksyonov on the situation with emergency power outages: «People complain about the rudeness of call centers»

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The Head of the Republic of Crimea reported an increased number of complaints from citizens about power surges in power grids and more frequent emergency power outages in the conditions of abnormal heat that has settled on the peninsula. During a working meeting, Sergei Aksyonov noted that the largest number of applications are recorded from residents of the Simferopol district, Yalta, Leninsky and Saksky districts. Thus, in the last six days alone, about 40 collective appeals have been received.

Against this background, the work of hotlines leaves much to be desired. Considering that the hot weather will continue for more than one day, I instruct resource supplying organizations to organize information briefings for the population every day at 10:00, provide data on accidents, report on what is being done and when the situation is planned to normalize, – said the Head of Crimea.

Sergey Aksyonov also demanded that an official inspection be organized into the work of the hotlines of the State Unitary Enterprise of the Republic of Crimea “Krymenergo” and other resource supplying organizations.

People complain about the rudeness of call center specialists, lack of feedback, impossibility to get through to the specified numbers. Disciplinary sanctions should be applied to those responsible. Let me remind you that the heads of local branches should personally respond to calls– the Head of the Republic emphasizes.

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