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Sergey Aksyonov ordered to check the work of hotlines of resource supplying organizations

Sergey Aksyonov ordered to check the work of hotlines of resource supplying organizations

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The Head of the Republic of Crimea Sergey Aksyonov demanded that an inspection of the hotlines of resource supplying organizations be organized in all municipalities of the republic. The corresponding order was announced during a working meeting on the optimization of the activities of the State Unitary Enterprise of the Republic of Crimea «Krymenergo». As the Head of the Republic noted, complaints about the work of the hotlines continue to come from Crimeans.

All heads of resource supply organizations in municipalities must personally respond to incoming requests. If necessary, they must go to the site, talk to citizens, and tell them about the deadlines for completing the work. It is important that people understand when they will be helped— the press service quotes the Head of Crimea.

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