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Sevastopol citizen — participant of the special operation — was awarded the medal «For Military Merit»

Sevastopol citizen — participant of the special operation — was awarded the medal «For Military Merit»

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Servicemen receive state awards for courage and valor shown during a special military operation. Volunteer Denis is among those awarded. The family supported his decision to go to the defense of his country.

My decision was due to the fact that while I, together with my comrades, are restoring historical justice, there is a peaceful sky over my hometown, and nothing threatens my family— the press service of the government of Sevastopol quotes a soldier.

Denis grew up in a family of border guards and followed in the footsteps of his father, who served all his life in the border troops and was awarded the Order of Courage posthumously. The medal «For Military Merit» was awarded to Denis for the liberation of the village of Orekhovo in the Lugansk People’s Republic.

My biggest dream is to be awarded the highest award, the Order of Courage, like my father, but during his lifetime. I learned that the medal «For Military Merit» came to me when I went to the front line for the second time. Not only me, but also many of my comrades-in-arms were awarded state awards for the precise fulfillment of tasks, well-coordinated work, courage and courage.says Denis.

He added that every soldier has a special talisman that inspires hope.

On my waist bag I wear Cheburashka, which is always with me. And on New Year’s Eve, my colleagues gave me a Hagi Vaga toy that I carry on my back.— notes the participant of the special operation.

Recall that military personnel are provided with about 15 federal and regional benefits and guarantees, including those received by participants in the special operation: official housing or compensation for rental housing, life and health insurance, credit and tax holidays, additional benefits and guarantees of subjects of the Russian Federation, and others.

To enter military service under a contract, you need to prepare the following documents: an autobiography and a questionnaire (the form is posted on website), passport, military ID, education document, marriage and birth certificate.

The collection point is located at St. Communist, 3a, phone: +7 (8692) 22-14-51.

source: press service of the Government of Sevastopol

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