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Sevastopol is dealing with the consequences of a Ukrainian Armed Forces missile attack on the city on June 23

Sevastopol is dealing with the consequences of a Ukrainian Armed Forces missile attack on the city on June 23

CrimeaPRESS reports:

A staff meeting in the Government of Sevastopol chaired by Governor Mikhail Razvozhaev today began with a minute of silence.

On June 23, the Kiev regime attacked civilian infrastructure with ATACMS missiles equipped with cluster warheads. Four missiles were shot down by air defense forces, another, according to the Ministry of Defense, deviated from the flight path with the warhead exploding in the air over the city, and fragments of cluster submunitions fell on the city. 4 people died, including 2 children, 153 victims sought medical help, of which 27 were children. Monday, June 24, has been declared a day of mourning in Sevastopol.

In almost the first minutes after the events, President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin called, conveyed condolences to family and friends, wished them recovery, and gave all the necessary instructions to provide all necessary federal assistance to Sevastopol. During the day there were a huge number of calls from all regions of the country with words of support, offers of help, everyone was with Sevastopol yesterday,” the press service of the Government of Sevastopol quotes Mikhail Razvozhaev.

As reported by the director of the Department of Health, Vitaly Denisov, doctors provided medical assistance to all 153 victims: 74 people are receiving outpatient treatment, 79 are hospitalized, of which 27 are children. Yesterday, more than 30 ambulance teams worked, and the victims also came independently for help to city hospital No. 4. At the moment, there are 39 people in the first hospital, 13 patients in the ninth hospital, and 27 in the fifth hospital.

At night, on the instructions of the President, a combined team of specialists from the Federal Center for Disaster Medicine, doctors from institutions subordinate to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the Federal Medical-Biological Agency, the Moscow Health Department, and Emergencies Ministry specialists (psychologists) arrived in Sevastopol on behalf of the President.

A group of doctors who arrived consisting of 31 people worked all night with our doctors, there was a repeat examination. I would like to note that the treatment tactics were not changed; our doctors made the right decisions. And also for the subsequent stages, more than 20 people were selected to provide assistance in federal clinics, who will be delivered to federal centers, they will be provided with assistance at the federal level,” said Vitaly Denisov.

Children who need to be transported to federal medical institutions will be accompanied by their parents. On behalf of Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin, the capital will provide all the necessary support in housing the families of victims, Governor Mikhail Razvozhaev emphasized.

Also, on behalf of the city head, a hotline was organized, and 98 calls were received. According to the director of the health department, all requests have been processed.

Thank you very much to our doctors, I would like to say special words of gratitude to the 4th hospital and the ambulance specialists, because within an hour after the tragedy happened, I saw personally how the work was organized. Everyone, despite the day off, quickly arrived at their workplaces from different parts of the city and organized work. Our doctors, surgeons from the fourth hospital, personally served several ambulances, sorted them out, and provided first aid. The whole hospital was working, helping, providing psychological support. All our other doctors also worked, behaved with dignity, everything was organized, and the specialists who arrived rated the first stage of assistance as high, which deserves special gratitude, — said the head of the city.

He also instructed to provide all necessary assistance to the families of the victims. Three of them are residents of Sevastopol, one child is from another region.

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On June 23, the governor signed a decree introducing a state of emergency in Sevastopol. Applications for damaged property are accepted by municipal commissions. The head of the city instructed to promptly process incoming requests.

Payments for health damage and death will be paid in full in accordance with federal law. All issues are under control. Currently, work on the beach area “Uchkuevka” and in the park “Uchkuevka” continues, the territory and water area are being examined for the presence of explosive objects. In the best case, the work will be completed by the end of this day.,” notes Director of the Department of Public Security Alexey Krasnokutsky.

There are also requests about how you can pick up personal belongings that vacationers left on the beach. As reported by I. O. Vice-Governor Evgeny Gorlov, yesterday all things were collected, described and handed over to the police. For information, you can call 102 or the duty station of the Severnaya police department at + 7 (8692) 73-85-80. People who left their belongings on the beach during the attack can contact the headquarters, which will be deployed today at the Sailor cinema. The headquarters will be staffed by police officers and volunteers. Anyone who needs it will be able to contact an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, write a statement describing the items, then proceed to the volunteers, identify the items and pick them up. The headquarters will be open today from 16:00 to 19:00 and then from Tuesday to Friday from 9:00 to 18:00.

Separately, I would also like to say words of gratitude to the employees of our services, in the shortest possible time, the investigators of the Investigative Committee, the prosecutor’s office, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the specialists of the Ministry of Emergency Situations — everyone did not stand aside and solved their problems very quickly and effectively. I would especially like to say thank you to the people of Sevastopol, because, as always in such moments, people are the first to come to the rescue, and we, thank God, had a lot of people who were able to show strong-willed qualities and provide assistance to both doctors and ordinary people. The media have already talked about many of them. Our rescuer Dmitry was injured, but continued to help people. Tamara, worked as a security guard on the beach, provided assistance until the doctors arrived, Irina, a guest from Moscow, an emergency doctor on vacation, joined in providing assistance, bus driver No. 50 Alexander, who helped transport the wounded from the beach, the owners of a cafe in Uchkuevka , their names are not yet known, but we will definitely find these people and thank them for accepting people to provide first aid and also participating in this. We don’t know about all of them, but I would like to say a special thank you to each of them, because in such a situation they showed themselves to be real heroessays Mikhail Razvozhaev.

For reference: telephone numbers of municipal commissions

  • Andreevsky Municipal District: +79785202148
  • Balaklava municipal district: +79788120625
  • Verkhnesadovsky municipal district: +79781209705
  • Gagarinsky Municipal District: +79783000942
  • Inkerman: +79786916021
  • Kachin Municipal District: +79780545290
  • Leninsky Municipal District: +79780459116
  • Nakhimovsky municipal district: +79788434549
  • Orlinovsky municipal district: +79788190047
  • Ternovsky Municipal District: +79788134140
  • Department of Internal Policy: +79785742929

source: press service of the Government of Sevastopol

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