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Sevastopol notary held an on-site event to provide legal advice to village residents

Sevastopol notary held an on-site event to provide legal advice to village residents

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The fifth on-site event to provide free legal assistance within the framework of cooperation with the State Fund “Defenders of the Fatherland” took place in Sevastopol. In accordance with the approved plan, notaries travel to village councils once every two weeks throughout this year to advise residents on legal issues.

Notary of the city of Sevastopol Nina Troyan took part in the event on legal advice to residents of the village of Orlinoe. The legal aid point was deployed on the premises of the Administration of the Orlinovsky Municipal District of the city of Sevastopol.

On this day, five people turned to the notary for advice with the following questions:

  • will and joint will of spouses;
  • registration of ownership rights by a foreign citizen to a land plot under a house received by inheritance;
  • allocation of a share of land for minor children;
  • whether the legal status of a document signed with an electronic digital signature (EDS) of a notary is limited by the validity period of the EDS;
  • agreement on payment of child support;
  • Is it possible to inherit a garage located on the territory of ST if the ownership of it has not been registered?

Nina Alekseevna gave comprehensive answers to all questions.

source: press service of the Notary Chamber of Sevastopol

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