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Sevastopol: on International Day of Premature Babies, doctors met with former patients and their parents

Sevastopol: on International Day of Premature Babies, doctors met with former patients and their parents

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Sevastopol for the first time took part in the event dedicated to the International Day of Premature Babies. Today, former patients and their parents came to once again say thank you to the doctors for the gift of life.

I express my deep gratitude to our obstetricians, gynecologists, resuscitators, and neonatologists for their great work. I wish parents patience, inner strength, love from loved ones, support, so that their children grow up healthy, strong, and happy. For parents this is a great wealth, a real gift of fate– the press service of the Government of Sevastopol quotes Deputy Director of the Department of Health Victoria Pertseva.

Just a few years ago, it seemed impossible to deliver babies who were born much earlier than expected and with critically low body weight. Today, highly qualified specialists, advanced equipment and techniques make it possible to save young patients.

Our neonatal intensive care unit has all the modern equipment that allows us to provide care to children at a completely different level. We can analyze the child’s condition in more detail and immediately make a decision on the amount of medical and auxiliary assistance. In 2023, about 160 premature babies were born in Sevastopol, 17 of them with a critical body weight of less than 1 kilogram. Our smallest preemie ever — weighing 600 gramssays Natalya Spiridonova, head of the neonatal resuscitation and intensive care unit of maternity hospital No. 2.

All stories are unique, but every mother says that all the experiences were worth it to see their children grow up. After all, it was for the sake of these moments that they did not give up and together did the almost impossible.

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Sevastopol: on International Day of Premature Babies, doctors met with former patients and their parents Sevastopol: on International Day of Premature Babies, doctors met with former patients and their parents Sevastopol: on International Day of Premature Babies, doctors met with former patients and their parents Sevastopol: on International Day of Premature Babies, doctors met with former patients and their parents Sevastopol: on International Day of Premature Babies, doctors met with former patients and their parents

In addition, as part of the event, purple lighting was turned on today in Tauride Chersonesus — in honor of children born prematurely.

source: press service of the Government of Sevastopol

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