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Sevastopol: payment of benefits to families with children in December 2023

Sevastopol: payment of benefits to families with children in December 2023

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Payment of benefits for November to Sevastopol families with children will be made in December 2023, traditionally on the same dates.

We remind you that payments are made in the new month for the previous one, that is, benefits for November will be received in early December. Funds are transferred throughout the day, so you must wait until the end of the day for benefits to be credited. In addition, if a single payment day falls on a weekend or holiday, then the payment is received on the next working day the day before,” noted the department’s press service.

So, on December 1, banks are financed for monthly payments:

  • families with children from birth to 17 years old;
  • in connection with the birth and upbringing of a child;
  • for the first child up to 3 years old;
  • child care up to 1.5 years old Notworking citizens;
  • for the child of a conscript;
  • per child for families of military personnel and law enforcement officers;
  • women who registered in the early stages of pregnancy, etc.

Post offices will pay/deliver the specified benefits by December 25 according to the schedule.

The monthly payment from maternal family capital for a child under 3 years old for November will be received on December 5.

Childcare benefits for children under 1.5 years of age for November will be paid to working citizens on December 8.

source: press service of the SFR Branch in Sevastopol

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