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Sevastopol police conduct preventive raids in city parks

Sevastopol police conduct preventive raids in city parks

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Another action on the topic of combating remote fraud was carried out by employees of the Department of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Leninsky district in the Komsomolsky Park named after Maria Baida. Law enforcement officers talked with city residents and handed them more than 50 information leaflets.

The police paid special attention to communicating with pensioners, teenagers and parents of schoolchildren, since it is the elderly and young residents of the city that are of particular interest to remote scammers. Deputy Head of the Department of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Leninsky District, Police Lieutenant Colonel Maxim Blumbakh, noted that cases of money theft committed using information and telecommunication technologies continue to be registered in Sevastopol. Under various pretexts: playing on the fear of losing savings or on worries about a loved one, remote criminals steal money from gullible city residents,” noted the press service of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs in Sevastopol.

In addition, with the start of the summer holidays, scammers began to involve teenagers in their illegal acts, promising them easy money.

Sevastopol police conduct preventive raids in city parks Sevastopol police conduct preventive raids in city parks Sevastopol police conduct preventive raids in city parks

The organizers of the information and prevention campaign explained in an accessible manner how to protect yourself from scammers and reminded that anyone can become a victim of deception, regardless of age and social status. It is important to remain calm and vigilant. And parents of minors were explained how to protect their child from participating in illegal activities.

At the end of the event, the police called on residents and guests of the city to be careful and not follow instructions they receive over the phone from strangers.

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source: press service of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the city of Sevastopol

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