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Sevastopol police: remote scammers steal money under the pretext of protecting a bank account

Sevastopol police: remote scammers steal money under the pretext of protecting a bank account

CrimeaPRESS reports:

In Sevastopol, cases of theft of citizens’ savings, committed remotely under the pretext of protecting funds in bank accounts, continue to be registered.

Thus, a 64-year-old security guard at one of the hotel complexes suffered from the illegal activities of telephone scammers. The man received a call from a scammer, introduced himself as an employee of a government services portal and said that criminals were trying to steal his money. The caller convinced a resident of Sevastopol to transfer all his savings to the “safe accounts” dictated by him. After following the instructions of the telephone swindler, the victim lost more than 350 thousand rubles,” noted the press service of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs in Sevastopol.

It is worth noting that the man knew about the existence of this fraudulent scheme, but, succumbing to the scammer’s trick, he lost his savings.

Sevastopol police once again warn: If they called you and reported any problems with your bank account, including attempts to write off money or apply for a loan by strangers, these are remote scammers! Regardless of who the strangers appear to be (law enforcement officers, employees of banking organizations, mobile operators, employees of a government services portal) and what kind of financial troubles they threaten you with, you must remember that any execution of instructions over the phone will inevitably lead to the theft of your money.

If you receive such calls, immediately stop talking and report the incident to the police by calling 102!

source: press service of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the city of Sevastopol

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