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Sevastopol resident Nikita Kovalsky is the federal winner of the “Victory Dictation”

Sevastopol resident Nikita Kovalsky is the federal winner of the “Victory Dictation”

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The awarding of the winners of the International Historical Action of United Russia «Victory Dictation — 2024» was held in Moscow. The coordinator of the party project «Historical Memory», Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy Alexander Khinshtein and Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Civil Society Development Olga Zanko spoke at the ceremony.

This year, about 2 million people took part in the event in person and online. The dictation took place in all regions of Russia and in 61 countries of the world. It has become the most widespread test of knowledge of the history of the Great Patriotic War. There are more and more participants in the action, and this indicates a high level of interest of people of different ages in the history of the Great Patriotic War— said Alexander Khinshtein.

Among the recipients was Nikita Kovalsky, a student at Sevastopol State University with a degree in Information Security. An 18-year-old Sevastopol resident took part in the event for the first time, answered all the historical dictation questions correctly and became one of the federal winners.

The love of history was instilled in me by the teachers of the Sevastopol Presidential Cadet School, from which I graduated with honors. There were strong teachers there, thanks to them I know history well. I decided to test my knowledge on the “Victory Dictation”. I knew some things, but found some answers by elimination. I quite often participate in various promotions and competitions and I believe that the “Victory Dictation” is a very important event. It is needed so that we remember the exploits of our fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers. I liked it very much, I will definitely take part next year— said Nikita.

Evastopol resident Nikita Kovalsky is the federal winner of the “Victory Dictation”

Nikita’s grandmother, deputy of the Legislative Assembly of Sevastopol Tatyana Zenina, suggested that Nikita take part in the action. Having learned about her grandson’s victory, she congratulated him and noted that she was proud of him.

This is not just a test of knowledge, but a tribute to memory and a way to preserve the true history of the Great Patriotic War. This is an expression of pride in one’s country, respect for veterans, and a desire to pass on the memory of the feat of our people to new generations. I am proud that my grandson not only took part in the patriotic dictation, but also became one of the winnerssaid Tatyana Zenina.

The award ceremony took place at the Victory Museum, and after the ceremony, the winners were given a night tour of Moscow. On May 9, 2025, the winners of the historical dictation will be able to take part in the Victory Parade on Red Square as guests.

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In 2024, more than 28 thousand Victory Dictation sites opened in Russia. More than 13 thousand people wrote “Victory Dictation” at 150 Sevastopol sites.

source: press service of the Sevastopol regional branch United Russia party

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