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Sevastopol residents collect humanitarian aid for Kursk

Sevastopol residents collect humanitarian aid for Kursk

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The first vehicle with humanitarian aid for evacuated residents of the Kursk region, reports «Sevastopolskaya Gazeta»sent from Sevastopol on August 9.

The governor announced the collection the day before. In 24 hours, city residents collected about 10 tons of the most essential items. Baby food, personal hygiene products, washing powder, and water have already been sent to their destination.

As the director of the internal policy department, Sergei Bezdolny, explained at a staff meeting in the Sevastopol government on August 12, he is constantly in touch with his colleagues from Kursk.

The whole country helps, but we also have a tradition. People are ready, business representatives are ready. There is a need to help locally, what is really needed for temporary accommodation points“- Governor Mikhail Razvozhaev said in response.

Collection of humanitarian aid is being carried out by the Sevastopol regional branch of United Russia on 4 B. Morskaya Street. At the moment, the following is required:

  • baby food;
  • personal hygiene products — toothpastes and toothbrushes (including for children), soap, shower gel, shampoos, razors, shaving foam, wet wipes, toilet paper, baby and adult diapers of different sizes, sanitary pads;
  • washing powder;
  • disposable diapers.

You can bring aid every day from 9:00 to 18:00. The regional branch of the party will provide delivery of humanitarian aid to the Kursk region.

The situation in the Kursk region

On the morning of August 6, units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces attempted to seize the border territory of the Kursk region.

From the report of Acting Governor Alexei Smirnov at a meeting with the President of Russia on August 12: the situation is difficult now, 121 thousand civilians have left the border areas. 12 people were killed in the shelling, another 121 were wounded, including 10 children. 28 settlements in the region are under enemy control. The fate of about two thousand local residents is unknown.

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A counter-terrorist operation (CTO) regime has been introduced in the Kursk, Belgorod and Bryansk regions.

source: «Sevastopolskaya Gazeta»

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