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Sevastopol residents continue to give money to scammers. Per day — almost two million rubles

Sevastopol residents continue to give money to scammers. Per day — almost two million rubles

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Over the past 24 hours, three local residents aged from 37 to 72 years contacted the police after they suffered from scammers who stole money under the pretext of protecting a bank account and renewing mobile communication services for a total amount of more than 1.7 million rubles.

It is worth noting that fraudulent schemes in which residents of Sevastopol are informed about alleged problems with their bank account or the end of a communication contract remain the most popular and not only older citizens, but also young people become victims of deception. All victims knew about these methods of deception from the media and social networks, were informed via SMS notification, but nevertheless followed the instructions of the attackers and lost their savings,” noted the press service of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs in Sevastopol.

So, a 27-year-old girl received a call from a scammer who introduced himself as a mobile operator and spoke about the need to renew a mobile communications contract using government services. After the victim reported the secret SMS codes she had received, the swindler’s accomplice called her and said that scammers had gained access to her bank savings, so she urgently needed to transfer money to “safe” accounts. Having followed all the instructions of the attackers, the girl lost 922 thousand rubles.

In the second case, a 72-year-old pensioner received a call from a fraudster who introduced himself as an employee of state security agencies and convinced the elderly woman to transfer 397 thousand rubles to “safe accounts”.

The third victim of remote scammers was a 40-year-old security guard for a large wine company, who, under the dictation of the scammers, transferred 400 thousand rubles to “safe accounts” using Internet banking.

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The Sevastopol police once again warns: if they call you, including in instant messengers, and REPORT ABOUT ANY PROBLEMS that have arisen or may arise with your money, THEY ARE FRAUDSTERS! Remember: there are no problems with your money until you begin to follow the instructions of the callers.

Do you want to protect your money from scammers? When you receive the above calls, stop talking immediately and block the number!

source: press service of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the city of Sevastopol

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