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Sevastopol residents continue to “share” millions of rubles with scammers

Sevastopol residents continue to “share” millions of rubles with scammers

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Cases of money theft under the pretext of protecting funds in a bank account continue to be recorded in Sevastopol. It should be noted that not only older citizens become victims of this scheme and, often, the victims are aware of the existence of this method of deception.

So, a 79-year-old pensioner received a call from unknown people, introduced themselves as “employees of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation” and said that criminals were trying to steal her savings, so they urgently needed to be transferred to “safe accounts”. The elderly woman followed all the instructions she received and, using Internet banking, transferred almost 2 million rubles to the scammers. A 52-year-old self-employed resident received a call via messenger from scammers who introduced themselves as law enforcement officers and, using a similar scheme, were convinced to transfer almost 700 thousand rubles to accounts under their control.— said the press service of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs in Sevastopol.

The Sevastopol police urge citizens not to fall for the tricks of attackers! It must be remembered that any calls about any problems with your money in your bank account come only from scammers. To steal your savings, criminals put on entire performances over the phone, involving “law enforcement officers, intelligence officers, bank security officers, representatives of Rosfinmonitoring” and other organizations in the conversation. Their main and only goal is to instill fear of losing your savings and force you to fulfill their demands.

Dear residents and guests of the city, as soon as you start following the instructions you receive over the phone, you will lose all your money savings! Stop talking, block the number and report the call to 102.

Find out more:  Специальная (коррекционная) педагогика — профессия настоящего и будущего

source: press service of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the city of Sevastopol

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