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Sevastopol residents sent 1,900 online appeals to the authorities over the past week

Sevastopol residents sent 1,900 online appeals to the authorities over the past week

CrimeaPRESS reports:

During the week from May 13 to May 19, Sevastopol residents left 1,919 requests on social networks and on the “State Services. Let’s decide together.» The largest number of comments were written about the areas of housing and communal services, landscaping, repair and construction of roads. Users also asked questions about holidays in children’s health camps. The messages were collected and analyzed by specialists from the Regional Management Center.

In connection with the increasing attacks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces on the city using missiles and drones, the citizens were most interested in restoring electricity and water supply after the night of May 17. Then, while repelling an attack by dozens of enemy UAVs, their debris fell on the Sevastopol substation. The city authorities decided to turn off the lights in order to restore it as quickly as possible, and the operation of the pumps was also suspended, which is why water supply interruptions were recorded in some areas of the city. The very next day after the attack, Sevastopol Governor Mikhail Razvozhaev announced that all repair work at the Sevastopol substation had been completed, and electricity and water had been provided to all residential areas.

In addition, the work received messages with requests to repair public transport stops:

On Pozharova Street, the side glass is missing, the billboard is broken and scribbled on, the stop has no name.

And on Khrustaleva Street it is necessary to paint over the graffiti at the bus stop.

The issue was taken up by employees of the Department of Transport and Road Infrastructure Development. They soon reported that both stops had been put in order.

Find out more:  Межрегиональный фестиваль юных изобретателей соберет в Севастополе 600 участников

Sevastopol residents also wondered when the road mirror would be fixed on General Zhidilov Street, 11.

It broke off. Needs to be put in placeusers asked.

Comments were also sent to the Department of Transportation. Soon the mirror was restored.

There were also reports of a garbage dump on the North Side.

The landfill is located on Nadezhda Kraevaya Street. It grows and no one takes it out— city residents shared on social networks.

According to the administration of the Nakhimovsky district, the garbage was removed.

Let us remind you that appeals on the topic of landscaping, housing and communal services, and street lighting can be sent to the social networks of the municipal services department:

You can ask questions or write about a problem related to the field of transport and roads on the pages of the relevant department on social networks and in the official telegram channel:

In addition, messages on any topic are accepted on the official pages of department heads, deputy governors, city mayor Mikhail Razvozhaev and the Government of Sevastopol on social networks and Telegram, as well as on the “Government Services” platform. Let’s decide together” – the service can be used via a widget on VKontakte, an application or a website:

source: press service of the Government of Sevastopol

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