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Sevastopol residents wrote more than 1,300 online appeals to authorities over the past week

Sevastopol residents wrote more than 1,300 online appeals to authorities over the past week

CrimeaPRESS reports:

During the week from May 27 to June 2, Sevastopol residents wrote 1,340 comments on social networks and on the “State Services. Let’s decide together.» Most often, city residents were interested in issues of preparing beaches for the swimming season and landscaping, the state of road infrastructure, as well as summer leisure activities for children. The messages were collected and analyzed by employees of the Regional Management Center.

Thus, city residents reported that a strong wind damaged a road mirror in the Gagarinsky district.

The observation mirror fell at the intersection of Grusheva and Tulskaya streets,” the users clarified.

The comment was sent to the Department of Transport and Road Infrastructure Development. The mirror has been restored.

The work also received messages asking to restore the sewerage system on Okhotskaya Street.

During road repairs, the sewer system was damagedusers shared on social networks.

The issue was taken up by employees of the Department of Transport. According to them, communications have been restored.

There have been comments about the opening of a new park on Novikova Street:

Just 10 years ago, we couldn’t even dream of improving the surrounding areas. Either they did everything themselves, or they didn’t do anything at all. The city has really improved everywhere. And in the villages too.

According to Governor Mikhail Razvozhaev, the territory was landscaped under the “Formation of a Comfortable Urban Environment” program of the national project “Housing and Urban Environment”.

The square was decorated in antique style, an arch and a colonnade were installed. They installed lawns and alpine slides with large clay amphorae. In the park you can now relax in one of two spacious shady gazebos with automatic lighting — it will be especially beautiful in the evening. For irrigation, water was supplied and special water outlets were made.— said the head of the city.

Let us remind you that appeals on the topic of landscaping, housing and communal services, and the condition of beaches can be sent to the social networks of the municipal services department:

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You can ask questions or write about a problem related to the field of transport and roads on the pages of the relevant department on social networks and in the official telegram channel:

In addition, messages on any topic are accepted on the official pages of department heads, deputy governors, city mayor Mikhail Razvozhaev and the Government of Sevastopol on social networks and Telegram, as well as on the “Government Services” platform. Let’s decide together” — the service can be used via a widget on VKontakte, an application or website.

source: press service of the Government of Sevastopol

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