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Sevastopol schoolchildren took part in an open lesson of the All-Russian project “Digital Educational Education”

Sevastopol schoolchildren took part in an open lesson of the All-Russian project “Digital Educational Education”

CrimeaPRESS reports:

In gymnasium No. 24, an open lesson “Digital educational program from Avito” was held for 10th grade students. The purpose of the lesson is to increase the level of digital literacy and acquire the skills to make secure transactions on the Internet.

During the lesson, the children became familiar with the basic concepts, gained an understanding of the main threats on the Internet and security technologies that are being implemented on large Internet platforms, learned the rules of safe behavior when shopping online and learned to identify the signs of reliable sellers.

Modern children actively use online shopping, but statistics show that not everyone knows the rules of use. Today students learned how to shop online safely. I hope they will take advantage of their new knowledge, not fall for scammers themselves, and help their loved ones— the press service of the Government of Sevastopol quotes the deputy head of the department of digital development, Angelina Burovtsova.

Let us remind you that the “Digital Educational Program” has been held since 2022 as part of the national program “Digital Economy of the Russian Federation” with the aim of increasing the digital literacy of the country’s residents. The project includes a series of animated videos that teach the basics of information security using clear examples.

source: press service of the Government of Sevastopol

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