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Sevastopol schools are being tested for readiness for the school year

Sevastopol schools are being tested for readiness for the school year

CrimeaPRESS reports:

In Sevastopol, an inspection of the readiness of educational institutions for the new academic year is underway. The inspection of the readiness of educational institutions began on July 30.

Every year, the commission inspects all educational institutions in our city and issues a conclusion on their readiness for the start of the new school year. The commission’s attention is paid to the readiness of the facility in all aspects: fire safety, the condition of evacuation routes and emergency exits, catering, and others. But given the current situation, we pay special attention to safety: we check how the warning system works, the condition of the shelters and their compliance with all standards, where children can take refuge during an alarm— the press service of the Government of Sevastopol quotes Deputy Governor Igor Mikheev.

Today the commission inspected 7 educational facilities, including the Engineering School.

The school begins to prepare for the new academic year almost immediately after the end of the previous one. This is a continuous process and constant work. It is necessary not only to maintain the state of the school, but also to improve, perfect the conditions, – notes the director of the Engineering School, Irina Krestinina.

During the inspection, the readiness of all buildings and educational premises in which children will be located is monitored.

Sevastopol schools are being tested for readiness for the school year Sevastopol schools are being tested for readiness for the school year Sevastopol schools are being tested for readiness for the school year Sevastopol schools are being tested for readiness for the school year Sevastopol schools are being tested for readiness for the school year Sevastopol schools are being tested for readiness for the school year

Let us remind you that in total it is planned to check more than 200 addresses.

source: press service of the Government of Sevastopol

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