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Sevavtodor equipment processed the main city roads and highways of the suburbs of Sevastopol

Sevavtodor equipment processed the main city roads and highways of the suburbs of Sevastopol

CrimeaPRESS reports:

In Sevastopol, utility services were prepared for worsening weather conditions with sleet and frost, strong winds, but winter, as always, brings surprises. Snowfall and sharp night cooling (down to minus 9 C) are only part of the tests for drivers and pedestrians in Sevastopol.

Utility services employ more than 900 employees to eliminate the consequences of bad weather; neighborhood and public roads in all areas of the city are cleared of ice and sprinkled with de-icing mixture— reported the government of Sevastopol.

Sevavtodor used 33 units of equipment to eliminate the consequences of bad weather; the work area includes 270 km of intra-city roads and 350 km of country roads. City roads are treated with moistened salt, and a sand-salt mixture is distributed on regional roads. The main roads of the Leninsky, Gagarinsky, Nakhimovsky districts, the roads of the Baydar Valley, Golubinka — Peredovoe — Shirokoe, Orlinoe — Rodnikovoe — Kolkhoznoye, the roads of the Balaklava region, Sevastopol — Inkerman (with branches), the roads of the villages of Kizilovoe, Tankovoe — Oboronnoye, Shirokoe — have already been processed. Ozernoye and others.

All road and utility services will continue to operate at night.

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