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Simferopol administration controls the sale of melons

Simferopol administration controls the sale of melons

CrimeaPRESS reports:

To conclude an agreement for the legal sale of melons and gourds, you must contact the Simferopol administration. The period during which you can submit an application for registration of a non-profit partnership is from the beginning of July to the end of October.

Purchasing goods from unregistered suppliers may pose a health risk, as they do not have accompanying documents confirming the quality and suitability of the goods. For this reason, in the event of poisoning, it is not possible to make a claim to the sellersays Alexey Ovanenko.

He also added that legal non-stationary trading facilities are located on the territory of the city, depending on the wishes of entrepreneurs.

Simferopol administration controls the sale of melons Simferopol administration controls the sale of melons Simferopol administration controls the sale of melons Simferopol administration controls the sale of melons

source: press service of the Simferopol administration

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