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Simferopol residents complain about “barbaric pruning” of trees

Simferopol residents complain about “barbaric pruning” of trees

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Let’s say right away that we are not experts in the issue of seasonal tree pruning. And there are dozens of opinions on pruning methods on the Internet. Including those explaining the option “to zero” — to “stumps”. They say that in a couple of years there will be a new and quite nice healthy crown… In short, there is a pluralism of positions on this topic. But visually, today, now… it all looks like the consequences of an atomic bomb — bare tree trunks, uprooted branches…

Simferopol residents complain about “barbaric pruning” of trees

Some kind of park-forest cemetery… Well, the cry from the soul of the Simferopol residents:

Dear fellow citizens, residents of our hometown Simferopol! I urge you to come at 9 o’clock in the morning to the central entrance to Shevchenko Park. It is necessary to stop cutting down trees, not to let a team of lumberjacks barbarically cut down the entire crown of a tree. All this cutting is being done completely wrong, the trees will get sick, rot and soon die completely and we will lose the park! I also call environmental activists, professionals, agronomists, foresters, and simply those who need beauty, shade and coolness in the park. Invite those who can help in a real matter, help Shevchenko Park and our city. There will be no need to flatter under a saw, under the wheels of a KAMAZ. We need to stand and be indignant and demand that the cutting down of trees be stopped.

Simferopol residents complain about “barbaric pruning” of trees

Is there a result? We don’t know whether the emphasis in the discussion on the topic of tree pruning is shifting, but the prosecutor’s office has already become interested in this issue.

The Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Crimea organized an inspection in connection with complaints from citizens on social networks about improper sanitary pruning of trees in the park named after T.G. Shevchenko in the city of Simferopol. During the inspection, an assessment will be made of the inspection of trees, the legality of their pruning and crowning. If there are grounds, response measures will be taken— reported the supervisory agency.

Simferopol residents complain about “barbaric pruning” of trees

Photo from social networks.

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