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Since the beginning of the year, 399 IVF procedures have been carried out in Crimea using funds from the compulsory medical insurance program

Since the beginning of the year, 399 IVF procedures have been carried out in Crimea using funds from the compulsory medical insurance program

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Since the beginning of 2024, 399 in vitro fertilization (IVF) procedures have been performed in the Republic of Crimea using funds from the compulsory health insurance program, that is, free of charge for patients. Deliveries were taken from 89 women who became pregnant through the IVF procedure, and 92 children were born.

This year, it is planned to carry out at least 793 IVF procedures within the framework of compulsory medical insurance. To date, the plan has been completed by 50%. You can undergo the procedure for free thanks to the regional project “Financial Support for Families” of the national project “Demography”,” the press service of Deputy Minister of Health of the Republic of Crimea Anton Lyaskovsky quotes.

The main indication for IVF is the inability to become pregnant naturally for at least one year, and the ineffectiveness of infertility treatment with other methods.

In vitro fertilization is a modern, complex, but highly effective procedure, for which partners must undergo a thorough examination. To resolve the issue of referral for IVF, a woman must contact a gynecologist at a medical organization or antenatal clinic at the place of attachment. The doctor prepares the necessary medical documentation, attaches the examination results, passport data, compulsory medical insurance policy, SNILS and, in the absence of contraindications or restrictions, issues a referral for the IVF procedure. After receiving a referral for an IVF procedure, the patient has the right to contact a medical organization that has quotas for conducting the IVF procedure using funds from the compulsory health insurance fund. The list of clinics is available on the website of the Ministry of Health of Crimea; the patient independently chooses a clinic from those offered.

It is important that future parents do not have to be officially married. IVF under compulsory medical insurance can be carried out for single women or for couples whose relationship is not registered in the registry office.

The number of attempts of the IVF procedure is not limited by law. Everything is determined by the attending physician, based on the woman’s reproductive health indicators. In general, it is safe to make no more than two attempts at IVF with hormonal stimulation per year. That is, if pregnancy does not occur the first time, a woman can re-enter the IVF protocol free of charge, following the order.

Let us recall that last year, within the framework of the compulsory medical insurance program, 881 IVF procedures were performed, 252 women gave birth, and 276 children were born.

source: press service of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Crimea

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