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Since the beginning of the year in Sevastopol, 1,000 additional weekends have been paid for parents with disabilities for parents

Since the beginning of the year in Sevastopol, 1,000 additional weekends have been paid for parents with disabilities for parents

Krympress reports:

The right to four additional paid days off a month has parents who raise children with disabilities. Mother and father have the right to take such days at the same time or in turn. In addition to parents, the guardians and trustees of a child with disabilities can use additional weekends.

The employer pays each additional weekend in the amount of the average daily wage, and the regional branch of the social fund of Russia reimburses these expenses to the employer. This year, the Department of SSR on Sevastopol compiled employers with expenses for paying 1000 additional days off for 140 parents of children with disabilities.

To issue additional days off, it is necessary to submit an appropriate application to the employer. A child’s birth certificate should be attached to him, documents confirming his place of residence; disability certificate; as well as a certificate from the work of the second parent about the number of additional weekends provided to him. If dad or mom changed the work this year, they will also need a certificate of additional days off from the previous place of work, -quotes the press service of the managing department of the SFR for Sevastopol Elena Gayvoronskaya.

If the parent did not use four additional weekends in the month, they can be decorated later, for example, in the form of a vacation in agreement with an employer of up to 24 days. Unused weekends should be disposed of during the year in which these days are accumulated — they cannot be transferred to the next year or compensated by money.

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Residents of the city can get more detailed information by phone (8-800-100-00-01). Sevastopol employers will be provided with the consultation by the Regional Contact Center number-8 (8692) 53-96-90. Specialists of the Department of SSR in Sevastopol respond to calls from Monday to Thursday from 9:00 to 18:00 and on Friday from 9:00 to 16:45.

Source: Press Service of the Department

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