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Six out of 10 Crimeans consider themselves perfectionists at work

Six out of 10 Crimeans consider themselves perfectionists at work

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The desire to achieve ideal results in work is typical for 6 out of 10 Crimeans. Economically active citizens with work experience and representatives of companies from the Crimea took part in the survey-research of the SuperJob service.

Answering a question about labor perfectionism, only 15% of employers called this character trait necessary for working in their company, 61% noted that it is not necessary to constantly strive for excellence: “Employees must strictly follow their instructions. This is enough for the successful operation of the organization. At the same time, 59% of Crimeans called themselves perfectionists at work: “I love it when everything is clear and in its place. And it’s also cool to give birth to order out of chaos.” However, the older the respondents, the less often they notice this trait in themselves: 64% among respondents under 34 and 53% among those over 45. With an increase in the level of income, the situation is reversed: the higher the salary, the more often citizens observe in themselves the desire for the ideal fulfillment of tasks — 50% among respondents with an income of up to 50 thousand rubles. per month and 63% among respondents with an income of 80 thousand rubles. Women strive for excellence more than men (62 and 55% respectively)— noted in the press service of the service.

16% of Crimean residents do not consider themselves perfectionists in their work: “The ideal is unattainable in principle. It is important that the work on the project is correctly calculated, without wasting time and personnel. The main thing is the functional result.

Among representatives of common professional groups, HR managers (80%), doctors (74%) and purchasing specialists (72%) most often note the desire for ideal in their work. Work perfectionism is the least characteristic of call center operators (39%) and salespeople (41%).

Time: August 1 — September 5, 2023

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