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Snow blowers: types and brands

Snow blowers: types and brands

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Snow blowers are specialized equipment designed to clear snow from roads, sidewalks, parking lots, and other surfaces. They come in different types and sizes, from compact hand-held machines for home use to powerful professional machines used in cities and large facilities. Here are the main types and features of snow blowers:

Types of Snow Blowers

Single stage snow blowers:

  • These machines have one working element — an auger (screw-shaped mechanism), which captures and throws snow through a chute.
  • They are usually compact and lightweight, ideal for cleaning small areas such as paths and driveways.
  • Most often they run on electricity, but there are also petrol models.

Two-stage snow blowers:

  • Unlike single-stage ones, they have two mechanisms: an auger for capturing snow and an impeller for throwing it over long distances.
  • They are more powerful and can handle denser and deeper snow.
  • These are usually petrol models, suitable for larger areas such as large yards and parking lots.

Three-stage snow blowers:

  • the most powerful machines, which have an added third stage — accelerated snow ejection.
  • They are designed for the most difficult conditions, such as snow removal in industrial or rural areas, where high power and throwing distance are required.

Main components and functions:

  • auger: the main element that captures snow from the surface. Can be made of metal or plastic.
  • impeller: the mechanism that lifts the snow and throws it through the chute. Used in two- and three-stage models.
  • chute: a device through which snow is thrown to the side. Can be adjusted in direction and height.
  • Drive: Snow blowers can be manual or self-propelled. Self-propelled models have wheels or tracks that allow them to move forward on their own.
  • engine: can be electric (usually on low-power models) or gasoline (on more powerful models).

Features of work:

  • efficiency: snow blowers make the process of clearing snow much easier and faster than using a hand shovel, especially when there is a lot of precipitation.
  • productivity: the more powerful the engine and the wider the cutting width, the faster and more efficiently you can remove snow.
  • Maneuverability: Small models are easy to maneuver in narrow spaces, while larger machines are effective in larger areas but can be more difficult to control.
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Application area:

  • households: used to clear snow from sidewalks, paths, and garages.
  • Municipal services: used to clear streets, roads, public places and parks.
  • Commercial properties: Large parking lots, warehouse areas and industrial areas require powerful snow blowers.

Snow blowers make life much easier during the winter, especially in regions with heavy snowfall.

Snow Blower Brands

The snow blower market features brands that offer equipment of different classes, from household to professional. Here are some leading companies that have earned trust due to the quality of their products:


Snow blowers caiman — is a French brand specializing in the production of high-quality garden and construction equipment, including snow blowers. Caiman products are highly reliable, durable and easy to use, making them popular among both private users and professionals.

  • High power and performance: models with powerful engines are suitable for work in difficult conditions.
  • ease of maintenance: the brand pays attention to the ease of maintenance and replacement of spare parts.
  • Environmental friendliness: engines meet modern environmental standards, providing low emissions.


  • A well-known Japanese brand that produces reliable and durable snow blowers.
  • Advantages: powerful engines, high build quality, good maneuverability and snow throwing range.
  • The range includes both compact and professional models.


  • Swedish brand known for its powerful and high-performance snow blowers.
  • Advantages: reliability, durability, ease of use, often equipped with heated handles and electric start.
  • Suitable for both domestic and commercial use.


  • American brand, one of the leaders in the snow removal equipment market.
  • Advantages: wide range of models, innovative technologies such as Power Steering control system for easy turning.
  • produces both single-stage and two-stage models.

These brands are known for their quality and reliability, making them popular among users with different needs and budgets.

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