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Social activists and deputies insist on a legal assessment of the crimes of the Kyiv regime against Crimea

Social activists and deputies insist on a legal assessment of the crimes of the Kyiv regime against Crimea

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The topic of protecting the rights of residents of Crimea in the case of recognition of the right to compensation for damage caused as a result of the water blockade organized by the Ukrainian authorities became key at a meeting of the Public Chamber of the Republic of Crimea, in which the first vice-speaker of the Crimean parliament Efim Fiks took part. He told members of the Public Chamber about the comprehensive work being carried out by the working group of the State Council in the areas of assessing damage and eliminating the negative consequences of blocking the North Crimean Canal, organizing a water, transport and financial blockade of the peninsula, and also expressed gratitude to the members of the OP RK for their joint work to protect the rights of Crimeans .

We are solving the most important task of protecting the rights and interests of Crimeans. So far we have only assessed the damage caused to the budget of our republic. Now the process will include affected industrial, health resort and agricultural enterprises, then individuals whose rights were violated. This is a huge job, and it will definitely bring fruit and benefit to Crimea, Crimeans and the entire Russian Federation. We will continue to work to restore the rights of Crimeans so that no one else would even think of repeating the path of the current Kyiv governmentsaid Efim Fix.

He added that the court has already prosecuted those responsible for organizing criminal acts against the entire people of Crimea, Lenur Islyamov, Edem Bekirov, Mustafa Dzhemilev, and criminal prosecution against the organizers of various blockades of the peninsula will continue.

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According to him, Kyiv’s criminal actions against Crimea and Crimeans will definitely be given a legal assessment.

During the meeting, the Public Chamber of Crimea decided to submit a completed claim to Ukraine to the Supreme Court of the Republic of Crimea to recognize the right of Crimeans to compensation for moral damage caused as a result of the water blockade of the peninsula. According to preliminary estimates, the amount of the claim is 3.066 trillion. rubles

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