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Special military operation and condemned guilt can be redeemed at the front

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Now people with a criminal record can only be called upon mobilization. But many of them would like to sign a military service contract and defend the country with weapons in their hands. The deputies proposed to give them such an opportunity. The army will take those who are under investigation, have already served or are still serving time. At the same time, citizens who have committed crimes of small and medium gravity, notes «Parliamentary newspaper»exempt from criminal liability. Such laws were signed by President Vladimir Putin on 24 June.

Spies and rapists will not be allowed into the army

The first law was developed by Andrey Kartapolov, head of the State Duma Committee on Defense, and Andrey Krasov, his first deputy. According to the new rules, convicts have the right to conclude a contract for military service. People who are under investigation and have a criminal record and have already served their sentences in places of deprivation of liberty can also become contractors.

The exception will be those convicted of terrorism and hostage-taking, espionage, organizing an illegal armed formation, treason, encroachment on the life of statesmen and public figures, seizure of power and armed rebellion, theft of nuclear materials, calls for extremism. Those guilty of crimes against the sexual inviolability of minors will not be allowed into the army. Contracts with those convicted under serious articles, in addition to those listed, will be concluded selectively, and the command of military units will monitor the behavior of recruits. If they violate the order, they will be returned to prison.

The law also made it possible to serve under the contract to people who are recognized as limited fit for military service, if they do not have certain diseases. The Ministry of Defense will make a list of such diseases later.

The authors of the document are confident that it will increase the number of contract servicemen. “Now, when active work is underway to conclude contracts for our citizens, we are faced with the fact that there are a large number of people who want to sign a contract and go to defend our country with weapons in their hands, but the current legislation does not allow them to do this,” he said. when considering the initiative in the State Duma Andrey Kartapolov. Now the legal barriers have been removed.

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How candidates will be selected

A special procedure for selecting candidates will be established, which will not allow those who should not be there to enter the special operation zone, Andrei Klishas, ​​head of the Federation Council Committee on constitutional legislation and state construction, explained to Parliamentary Newspaper.

“This procedure, as well as the procedure for the interaction of commanders of military units with investigative agencies, will be determined by joint decisions of the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Justice, the Investigative Committee, the Prosecutor General’s Office and other government agencies that have investigative units,” the politician said.

The basis for the dismissal of those convicted from service will be the end of wartime, the period of mobilization, the abolition of martial law. Soldiers with a criminal record will be able to retire early upon reaching the age limit for military service. This is 70 years for people with military ranks of senior officers up to and including colonel general and admiral, and 65 years for everyone else.

You can redeem yourself at the front

The second law (No. 378326-8), which comes into force, guarantees the participants of the SVO, who have concluded a contract and fulfilled certain conditions, exemption from criminal liability.

Those who violate the law will be able to fulfill their duty to the state and society through military service— said, commenting on the new norms, the head of the State Duma Committee on State Building and Legislation Pavel Krasheninnikov.

This will affect people who, before the entry into force of the law, committed crimes of small or medium gravity, official crimes, are under investigation, and were released on parole. The new norms provide that criminal liability can be removed from them from the day they are awarded a state award, dismissed due to age and health, and in connection with the end of a military conflict or mobilization.

source: «Parliamentary newspaper»

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