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Special project of Rospotrebnadzor. “You are what you eat”: healthy eating for every home

Special project of Rospotrebnadzor. “You are what you eat”: healthy eating for every home

CrimeaPRESS reports:

In May, a decree of the President of the Russian Federation was signed on national development goals, the most important long-term priorities of the country’s leadership and the fundamental tasks facing society and the state. Vladimir Putin especially noted that this is, first of all, saving the people, strengthening people’s health and increasing the well-being of Russian families, creating a comfortable and safe living environment.

Promoting a healthy lifestyle in general and proper, balanced nutrition in particular is of great importance for solving the tasks set by the President. Rospotrebnadzor is carrying out large-scale educational work in this direction – both among adults and among children – as part of the “Healthy Nutrition” project of the national “Demography” project.

The special project “You are what you eat” started as part of the “Healthy Eating” project in June, will last until the end of 2024 and will cover all age audiences — from children and teenagers to active adults and elderly Russians. The name was not chosen by chance. Everyone knows the aphorism of Hippocrates “You are what you eat.” Centuries have passed, but so far not a single doctor has refuted the conclusion of the legendary healer. However, few people think about the abundance of meanings embedded in this phrase.

The special project “You are what you eat” is designed to “decipher” these important messages, conveying the key rules of healthy eating to the widest audience, transmitting in an accessible form information important for every person on the basic principles of a healthy lifestyle and creating clear motivation to change their habits in a positive way.

In addition, as part of the special project “You are what you eat,” a large number of large-scale educational activities are planned, covering all regions of Russia:

  • creation and promotion of a series of exciting comics on healthy eating with bright and memorable characters;
  • All-Russian challenge “Components of Health” on the formation of healthy habits;
  • the “Family Treasures” campaign, dedicated to the importance of healthy family values ​​and traditions;
  • a joint project with students and young graduates of creative universities;
  • various competitive activations;
  • both online and offline events and much more.

    As part of the special project “You are what you eat” on the website healthy-eating.rf and on the project’s social networks there will be a thematic section “Read What You Eat” and a series of publications in which the editors and experts of the project will share the rules for reading information on the label, talk about the importance of product labeling — including the “Traffic Light” color marking system developed by Rospotrebnadzor specialists . The special project will be supported by the partners of the Healthy Nutrition project — VDC «Orlyonok», VOD «Medical Volunteers», Cherkizovo Group, X5 Group, Russian Post, JSC BRPI and others. The first activity of the special project will be the distribution of a pool of information and educational materials on healthy eating to partners nutrition for working with children of primary school age as part of lessons or conversations about healthy eating, as well as possible game scenarios and methodological recommendations. The materials will help children better understand information about food, stimulate interest in choosing healthy foods, and also develop attention and logical thinking.experts note.

More information on the website healthy-eating.rf and on the pages of the Rospotrebnadzor project “Healthy Nutrition” In contact with, Classmates and in Telegram-channel.

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