State Duma deputies approved the extension of the “dacha amnesty” for common property
CrimeaPRESS reports:
Buildings belonging to the common use property of gardening and vegetable farming partnerships will be able to pass through the “dacha amnesty” until March 1, 2031. Such a bill reports «Russian newspaper»The State Duma adopted it in the second reading.
According to current standards, it was possible to register such property in a simplified manner until January 1, 2024. The extension was proposed by the First Deputy Head of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation, Secretary of the General Council of United Russia Andrei Turchak, as well as the head of the Duma Committee on State Construction Pavel Krasheninnikov and a number of their colleagues.
As Turchak explained, the bill refers to buildings erected before 2004. Under the “dacha amnesty”, they can be registered in the cadastral register and state registration of rights can be carried out in a simplified manner.
What exactly is being simplified for summer residents? As the senator explained, a title document, a declaration drawn up by the chairman of the partnership, is sufficient for registration. You need to come to the MFC with this document or post it on the State Services portal. And there will be no need to prepare a technical plan, the senator noted.
If this procedure is canceled, then it will be possible to register these buildings only through the court, — Turchak clarified, — since they often lack the necessary permits.
His co-author Pavel Krasheninnikov explained what is meant by common property. These, according to the deputy, are garages, gatehouses, water towers and other objects.
He also explained why March 2031 was chosen. The fact is that this is a general period of “amnesty” in relation to garden and residential houses of citizens and simplified free privatization of land plots.
Why is simplification important for summer residents? According to Krasheninnikov, one of the main reasons for the delays is the lack of formalized rights for gardening partnerships to the land plots on which certain public facilities are located. And not everyone had time to complete the “amnesty” for gatehouses and other buildings. The new law will save citizens from litigation on this matter.
Unregistered houses and buildings may be recognized as unauthorized constructions, which threatens their demolition. It is important to provide the opportunity to officially register buildings to everyoneemphasizes Pavel Krasheninnikov.
Meanwhile, work on simplifying the procedures for registering ownership of real estate in the State Duma continues.
Currently, a number of initiatives are being prepared that are being approved by the Russian government, relevant departments and committees. In the near future, bills will be submitted to the State Duma“, the deputy promised.
source: «Russian newspaper»
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