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Statistics: On average, Russians are willing to pay around 40,000 rubles a month on a mortgage

Statistics: On average, Russians are willing to pay around 40,000 rubles a month on a mortgage

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Avito Jobs and Avito Real Estate surveyed more than 7,000 working Russians to find out how they feel about mortgages in 2024. The results showed that, on average, Russians are willing to pay or are already paying about 40,000 rubles per month on a mortgage loan. In addition, 24% of respondents had experience using a mortgage, and 28% are considering taking it out in the future. Interestingly, some working Russians receive support from their employers when taking out a mortgage.

During the survey, 21% of respondents said what tools their companies have to support their employers in obtaining a mortgage. Another 15% said they were not sure what specific measures their employer takes in this direction, and 7% noted that their employment format does not imply such opportunities (for example, if they work freelance). Among the most common support measures from the employer company, working Russians noted the provision of an interest-free or low-interest loan for the purchase of housing, compensation of part of the interest rate on the mortgage, assistance in collecting documents or processing the mortgage, providing the opportunity for preferential mortgages for employees (for example, IT mortgages), consultations when searching for housing, for example, through partnerships with real estate agencies. Some respondents noted that their employer provides subsidies for the initial payment on the mortgage, organizes an internal mortgage lending program and financial literacy and/or real estate investment training programs.

In order to attract job seekers given the current shortage of personnel, employers are not only increasing salary offers for candidates, but also expanding employee benefits packages. Over the past year, the number of ads on the Avito Jobs platform mentioning popular benefits and bonuses has grown by 58%, and we expect this trend to continue to develop. Assistance in obtaining a mortgage or partial compensation of mortgage payments, among other things, are becoming effective measures to increase loyalty and long-term motivation of blue-collar and office workers— comments Avito Development Director Roman Gubanov.

Those most willing to pay for a mortgage are representatives of the automobile business (about 79 thousand rubles per month), marketing, advertising and PR (75 thousand rubles), IT and telecommunications (54 thousand rubles), and online trading (51 thousand rubles).

Among Russians who have taken or plan to take a mortgage, 37% noted that they are ready to pay or are already paying up to 20 thousand rubles per month towards a mortgage loan. 32% are able to pay from 20 thousand to 40 thousand rubles, and 11% noted that 40 thousand to 60 thousand rubles is quite a comfortable amount for them. Another 5% of Russians are ready to pay from 60 thousand to 80 thousand rubles per month, 3% — from 80 thousand to 100 thousand rubles, 6% — more than 100 thousand rubles per month.

In the context of the abolition of mass preferential mortgages and changes in the conditions for individual targeted programs, support in obtaining a loan, including from the employer, is beginning to play an important role. Probably, in the near future we will see an increase in the number of companies that choose to help improve their housing conditions as one of the ways to motivate employees. In addition, the services of market professionals are becoming increasingly in demand — we see this in the growing interest in the Avito mortgage service, which helps borrowers get mortgage approval from banks and provides the opportunity to use the advice of a personal mortgage manager— comments Artur Akhmetov, head of the business line “Mortgage, insurance and transaction services” at Avito.

Among Russians who have taken or plan to take a mortgage, 43% of respondents shared that they fall under the conditions of a preferential mortgage. Of these, 26% are just planning to use it, and this option was more common among young people aged 18-24 (43%) and 25-34 (33%) than among other age groups. Another 17% of respondents have already used this type of mortgage and are currently paying it off.

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