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Statistics: Only one in five Crimeans monitors the dollar exchange rate

Statistics: Only one in five Crimeans monitors the dollar exchange rate

CrimeaPRESS reports:

In the service survey Representatives of the economically active population from Crimea took part.

After the cessation of trading in the US dollar and euro on the Moscow Exchange, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation determines the rates of the American and European currencies against the ruble using bank reports and information, coming from digital over-the-counter trading platforms. In many ways, against this backdrop, interest in currency exchange rates among Russian citizens is declining: only 20% of economically active citizens follow the dollar exchange rate, and 17% follow the euro exchange rate.

And yet men are almost twice as likely as women to be interested in exchange rates, both American and European. Crimean residents over 45 are more likely to be interested in exchange rates than those who are younger.

Residents expect exchange rates to increase by September 1, 2024: the dollar is forecast at 97.76 rubles (+14% to the Central Bank rate on August 2), the euro — 106.84 rubles (+15%). The popular forecast for an increase is contrary to the dynamics of recent months — since April 2024, there has been a moderate decline in the dollar and euro to the ruble.

Time: July 29 — August 2, 2024

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