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Storm warning continues in Crimea: strong wind

Storm warning continues in Crimea: strong wind

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The Ministry of Emergency Situations reminds of the storm warning about dangerous hydrometeorological phenomena in Crimea on February 6. According to the emergency department, strong, gusty northwest winds of 22-27 m/s will remain today in the southern regions and mountains of the peninsula.

Under these conditions, there is a high probability of emergencies caused by accidents at energy facilities, housing and communal services, possible disruption of transport communications, and obstruction of vehicle traffic on roads, especially in areas of mountain passes. There is a threat to the life and health of the population due to the possible fall of billboards, weakly reinforced structures, trees and possible broken power linesnoted the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Crimea.

About what the night hurricane did on the South Coast — HERE.

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