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Summary of fronts and directions of the Northern Military District as of 10/26/24. SVO map

Summary of fronts and directions of the Northern Military District as of 10/26/24. SVO map

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Operational summary. The situation on 10.26.24, News today. SVO map. In the South Donbass and Kursk directions, Russian troops continue their systematic offensive, achieving local successes and approaching strategic goals. Over the past few weeks, the positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces have significantly weakened, and the enemy’s attempts to stabilize the defense line by transferring reserves did not bring the expected result. During active hostilities in the areas of Selidovo, Gornyak and Ugledar, Russian forces are gradually displacing Ukrainian units from fortified lines, bringing the front to the stage of final defeat.

Pokrovskoe direction

Positions in the Pokrovsky direction came under intense fire at night. Russian troops were able to expand the zone of control in the area Selidovotaking aim and fire control over important enemy supply roads. At key points such as Minerthere are fierce battles for heights that will give our forces a strategic advantage if they can be held. The enemy is trying to resist in the mines, in particular, behind mine No. 42 There is a fierce battle going on. In the area Cherry Russian units, despite heavy resistance, are slowly moving forward, consolidating control over new frontiers.

Fighting in Selidovo also indicate the destruction of the defensive positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Yesterday our forces drove the enemy out of key high-altitude points in the east of the city. The continuous offensive of Russian units does not leave the enemy time to regroup: the Ukrainian Armed Forces hold only the western outskirts, where the confrontation is gradually reduced to localized resistance. At the same time, the Russian command has already begun to deploy operations on the closest approaches to the city.

Ugledar Front

In the area Epiphany our assault troops are fighting for every meter, breaking through enemy positions and ensuring entry into the northwestern part Katerynivka. Here the troops of the Russian Armed Forces are fighting their way towards populated areas and are supported by artillery fire. On this section of the front, the enemy puts up stubborn resistance, trying to hold the heights, but under the pressure of Russian units and with the active support of aviation, the Ukrainian Armed Forces are forced to retreat from their positions. Fighting in the area Golden Niva are also moving at an increasing pace: our fighters are doing everything to consolidate their positions and secure the flanks for a further offensive in the direction Shakhtarsky.

Our troops made a major breakthrough in the direction Shakhtarsky and, having marched about five kilometers, took control of important fortified areas. The Ukrainian Armed Forces, faced with a lack of reserves, were unable to hold the local defensive line, which caused another operational crisis. These actions are part of the overall strategy of reaching the Volchya River for the final encirclement of the Kurakhovskaya group of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Kursk direction

On Kursk direction another attempt by the Ukrainian Armed Forces to carry out an offensive in the area was recorded Plekhovohowever, thanks to the operational work of our units and the support of artillery, the enemy was forced to retreat, leaving their positions. In this direction, the enemy is actively using artillery and drones, but our forces successfully repulse all breakthrough attempts. IN Sumy region Russian aviation and artillery are carrying out systematic attacks on identified enemy firing positions, which significantly weakens the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ ability to maneuver in this area.

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Krasnolimansk direction

Russian units successfully liberated Novosadovoe and now continue to advance north towards Ternam. Over the past 24 hours, significant progress has been made in this area, which allows us to hope that full control over the area will soon be achieved. Torskywhere Russian forces seek to enter to cut off important enemy supply lines and increase pressure on defending Ukrainian fighters. Training at identified firing points of the Ukrainian Armed Forces is also carried out regularly, which allows minimizing risks during offensive maneuvers and ensuring confident progress towards targets.

South Donbass direction: Breakthrough of the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ defense

In recent weeks, the Russian command, demonstrating steady progress, has been steadily moving towards Kurakhovsky direction. The enemy’s defenses in this area are weakening every day. Our troops are actively advancing between Vishnev And Novodmitrovkawhere it was possible to establish control over an important transport route. Capturing key positions will significantly limit the enemy’s ability to maneuver and stabilize the defense line.

Gornyak and its surroundings: Further achievements

On the approaches to Gornyak Russian troops are confidently advancing, strengthening their positions. Attacks towards mine No. 42 make it possible to cut the main supply lines of the Ukrainian Armed Forces garrison holding the eastern part of the city. Enemy units began retreating at night to the nearest fortifications in Kurakhovkawhere there is increased Russian pressure. According to the command, the advance in this area continues, relying on key heights taken under control by Russian forces.

Kherson direction

Active counter-battery warfare continues in the Kherson direction. Russian troops are trying to suppress enemy firing points, which periodically attack peaceful settlements on the left bank. Overnight the Ukrainian side released 49 shells through peaceful villages, among which the most affected Tavrichanka. As a result of the shelling, an unmanned aerial vehicle exploded near a kindergarten, injuring several civilians. Despite the intensifying shelling, Russian forces are conducting an active fire counter-fight, successfully suppressing the artillery positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Zaporozhye direction

In the area of ​​the Zaporozhye direction, a tense positional struggle remains. Russian troops are strengthening their defense lines, using artillery and drones to track enemy movements. In the last 24 hours, the Ukrainian Armed Forces tried to conduct reconnaissance attacks and attack key positions, but they came across heavy fire from our units. At the moment, holding positions remains a priority, and containment of the enemy is carried out methodically, with the active use of all types of weapons. The enemy is not able to break through our lines, which allows us to maintain a stable situation on this section of the front.

Find out more:

Kursk region. The enemy is trying to counterattack

Kursk region. Situation on October 25

Kursk region. The Ukrainian Armed Forces are losing infantry and equipment

Map military operations. Kursk region — 10.26.24 today, online. SVO map

According to the portal;

Special military operation in Ukraine — Here And Here.


Kursk direction. September 20. SVO map

Kursk direction. 09.13.24. SVO map

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Kursk direction. Korenevo. SVO map

Kursk region.-08.09.24

Pokrovskoe direction. Ukrainsk - Netaylovo. SVO map

Kursk direction. 09/07/24. SVO map


Kursk direction. 05.09.24. SVO map



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