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Summary of fronts and directions of the Northern Military District as of 10/28/24. SVO map

Summary of fronts and directions of the Northern Military District as of 10/28/24. SVO map

CrimeaPRESS reports:

SVO operational summary. The situation on 28.10.24, News today. SVO map. Over the past 24 hours, significant events have occurred at the front that highlight the activity of the Russian armed forces and their successful actions against the enemy. Over the past 24 hours, our air defense has destroyed more than 100 enemy aircraft-type UAVs. Of these, more than 20 were shot down over the Bryansk region.

About ten UAVs attacked the Voronezh region, where, according to reports, there was a fire at a distillery, as a result of which 1 person was injured. The fire affected the building and one tank; damage to two residential buildings and one outbuilding is known. The Russian Armed Forces carried out strikes with Geraniums on enemy targets in the Khmelnitsky, Rivne, Kharkov, Zhytomyr, Cherkassy, ​​Kirovograd, Sumy and Kyiv regions. This indicates a wide geography of operations aimed at destroying the enemy’s infrastructure.

The situation in the conflict zone as of 10/28/24. Map and Summary of SVO

Ugledar. Selidovo. Kurakhovo. SVO map and report 10/28/24

Fights in Bryansk region

IN Bryansk region, in the area of ​​​​a non-residential border settlement Manevour border guards and the Russian Armed Forces successfully stopped an attempt by the Armed Forces of Ukraine to break through the border with forces of up to 15 people. Having suffered losses, the enemy retreated and took refuge in the forest, after which he was covered with dense artillery fire, as reported by the North group of troops.

The situation in Kursk region

SVO summary. IN Kursk region there are battles in the area of ​​populated areas Novoivanovka And Plekhovo. The enemy brought up new reserves and made 8 unsuccessful attempts at counterattacks: 5 in the area Novoivanovka and one each in the regions Plekhovo And Russian Konopelka. Enemy losses amounted to up to 50 personnel. The Russian Aerospace Forces strike with volumetric detonating bombs near Guevo. An OTRK missile strike hit the deployment point of the reserves of the 82nd Airborne Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the area Yunakovka.

Kupyansk direction

On Kupyansky direction, the zone of control of the Russian Armed Forces is expanding Kruglyakovkias well as to the northwest of Stelmakhovka. This creates a threat to the enemy, since the protrusion of the front towards the river Oskol increases and creates conditions for the development of the offensive of our troops to the southwest of Berestovy.

SVO summary — Ugledar direction

On Ugledarsky active operations continue on the front. Currently released Epiphanyand our troops are cleaning up. The remnants of the Ukrainian troops are trying to hold their positions, but every day the situation for them is becoming more and more critical. The offensive of the Russian Armed Forces continues and to the left, between Golden Niva, Shakhtarsky, Novoukrainka And Prechistovka.

North Ugledar The Russian army occupied Epiphanyin which the Ukrainian Armed Forces expected to hold back the onslaught of our troops, as well as Shakhterskoe And Novoukrainkaoccupying a “pocket” between them. This position will create additional conditions for further advancement.

Selidovo-Kurakhovskoe direction

SVO summary. On Kurakhovsky direction there was a significant breakthrough that covers the line ShakhterskoeNovoukrainkaEpiphany. For the first time in the history of current hostilities, this entire line was broken through in just two days. According to available data, at the moment all three settlements are under the control of our troops, which creates a unique opportunity for a further offensive.

The situation for Ukrainian forces is deteriorating: their garrison in Kurakhovka found himself in an operational environment. This led to a panic similar to what was observed earlier in Miner And Selidovo. Some Ukrainian military personnel began to leave their positions, opening their flanks. In conditions of a lack of reserves, the enemy is forced to resort to the help of terrorist defense, which, as practice shows, only aggravates the situation, creating new vulnerabilities.

The group located in Kurakhovkais practically doomed, and the question of whether the others will give up is becoming increasingly pressing. Our command is increasing efforts in the direction Novodmitrovkawhich should probably come under our control today, and further south.

In addition, we continue to pursue Ukrainian units for Selidovo to the west and approaching Griroryevka. Our goal is to reach the river Wolfmuch further west Kurakhovka. This is a strategically important step that will cut off all enemy communications from the north. If the Vostok group also manages to limit the enemy’s connections from the south, this will be a disaster for the whole Kurakhovskaya groups.

Now excellent prospects are opening up for our troops to make a dash to the river Wolf in the area of ​​the settlement Constantinople. There are only 16 kilometers left in a straight line, which makes further advancement possible with minimal losses. There are practically no serious defensive positions in this area, only hastily dug trenches, which also plays into our hands.

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If our forces from the “Center” group can successfully rush to the river from the north, having covered 10-12 kilometers, this will lead to the encirclement of the entire enemy group in Kurakhovka. The situation for Ukrainian forces is becoming critical, and the coming week will show how we can take advantage of this opportunity.

Pokrovskoe direction

On Pokrovsky direction, significant progress has been observed. Successfully released Selidovowhere the cleanup process is now taking place after 19 days of stubborn defense, as well as the settlement Cherry. These achievements create the conditions for expanding the offensive both to the south towards Kurakhovoand north to Pokrovsk. The Russian Ministry of Defense confirmed the release Izmailovki.

Groups of the armed forces of the Russian Federation, bypassing the neighboring Novoselidivkawhere the fighting is taking place in the center, continue moving south towards Ilyinka. In the northern part Novodmitrovka our troops expanded the zone of control along the route from Selidovo To Old Ternam on the west side Kurakhovsky reservoirs. This advance to the south opens the way for our forces to the rear of the Ukrainian Armed Forces garrison in Kurakhovowhich the enemy is trying to prevent by actively defending himself in Novodmitrovka.

From the north, from Zoryanyour troops successfully broke into northern part Kurakhovka. After release Gornyak And Maksimilyanovka fate Kurakhovka seems a foregone conclusion. As soon as this populated area is taken under control, an operational space will open up to our army up to Old Ternovlocated just 2.5 km from the main supply route Kurakhovo. This will be the line of attack on Kurakhovo from the north.

On the southeastern approaches, our forces leveled the front at Ostrovsky and approached the reservoir, as well as two company strongholds in the southeast of the city. We are monitoring the development of the situation, however, intelligence data indicates that the Ukrainian Armed Forces do not intend to maintain a bridgehead to the south Kurakhovoneither myself Kurakhov. The enemy, it seems, is just beginning to dig new lines of defense.

Summary of SVO — Zaporozhye region

SVO summary. IN Zaporozhye region An enemy UAV attacked the village’s power substation Chubarevka Pologovsky municipal district. More than one and a half thousand subscribers were left without power supply. IN Kamenka-Dneprovskaya The Ukrainian Armed Forces hit a UAV on a private home, damaging the glazing, facade and roof. A drone attack on the central square of the city was also recorded.

The situation in the Kherson and Zaporozhye areas

On Kherson area without significant changes. On Zaporozhye no change either: the battle between drones and artillery continues. It is reported from the ground that the Ukrainian Armed Forces are building three lines of borders around the city Zaporozhye. At the junction with Ugledarsky front, at Levadny and beams Pearthe Russian Armed Forces advanced to a depth of about 2 km in an area 10 km wide.

Strikes in the Belgorod region

The Ukrainian Armed Forces continue to shell civilian targets in Belgorodskaya areas. Village Tishanka Volokonovsky area came under artillery fire. IN Shebekinsky municipal district, in the village Mooreas a result of a drone attack, the glazing and roof of a private house were damaged. In the village Maslova Pier The drone detonated when it hit a private home. In the village Vyazovoe Krasnoyaruzhsky district, one private house was destroyed as a result of a drone attack.

Analyzing enemy messages:

At the moment, there are alarming trends for Ukraine at the front in Donbass

SVO map and report 10/28/24

SVO map and report 10/28/24

Over the weekend, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation actually captured two key cities in the Donetsk region — Selidovo and Gornyak. These events bring Russian troops significantly closer to one of the main goals of operations in this region — bypassing the Kurakhovsky fortified area from the west, which is the most important stronghold of the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ defense, supporting the front southwest of Donetsk.

The loss of Gornyak, located at commanding heights, complicates Ukraine’s retention of the northern approaches to the Kurakhovskoe reservoir. This makes the situation extremely tense and opens the way for further Russian attacks in the direction of Constantinople, as well as Andreevka, which are located on an important transport artery connecting Kurakhovo with the Zaporozhye region.

Find out more:

Kursk region. Situation as of 10/28/24. SVO map

Kursk region. Aggravation of the situation and latest news

Kursk region. The enemy is trying to counterattack

Military operations map

Map military operations of the Northern Military District — 10/28/24 today, online. SVO summary

According to the portal;

Special military operation in Ukraine — Here And Here.


Kursk direction. September 20. SVO map

Kursk direction. 09.13.24. SVO map

Kursk direction 09/12/24

Kursk direction. 09.11.24. SVO map

Kursk direction. Korenevo. SVO map

Kursk region.-08.09.24

Pokrovskoe direction. Ukrainsk - Netaylovo. SVO map

Kursk direction. 09/07/24. SVO map


Kursk direction. 09/05/24. SVO map



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