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Support for a presidential candidate: Vladimir Putin’s headquarters continues to accept signatures

Support for a presidential candidate: Vladimir Putin’s headquarters continues to accept signatures

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The number of signatures collected in support of Vladimir Putin’s self-nomination for a new presidential term, reports «Russian newspaper», has already exceeded 1.3 million. This work continued throughout the New Year holidays both at the central election headquarters and at regional headquarters. Moscow has already received subscription lists from 58 regions. The headquarters expects that the number of signatures will increase by the end of the month, when the deadline for submitting documents to the Central Election Commission of Russia approaches. In the meantime, in the capital’s Gostiny Dvor, where the headquarters operates, a check is underway to ensure that the signature sheets are filled out correctly.

The campaign to collect signatures in support of Vladimir Putin’s self-nomination began on December 23. A week later, the first batch of documents arrived at the central headquarters — from the Moscow region. After a short break for the holidays, the reception of delegations from the regions continued. On January 5, volunteers from 19 regions brought signatures, including Moscow and St. Petersburg.

The next day, representatives of another 25 regions of the Southern, North Caucasus, and Ural Federal Districts, as well as the DPR, LPR, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions, arrived at Gostiny Dvor. Residents of new regions will vote in Russian presidential elections for the first time. As the co-chairman of the central election headquarters, People’s Artist of Russia Vladimir Mashkov, previously told reporters, the collection of signatures there is especially active — in Donetsk alone, a million voters are ready to sign for Vladimir Putin. According to him, people from different regions come to the central headquarters who want to support Putin.

I see how sincere this human flow is, there was not a single one who was brought by anyone“, emphasizes the actor.

Staff members, volunteers and guests are the ones “who are worried about our huge ship called Rossiya and its future captain,” he added.

On Monday, January 8, the reception of signatures continued — folders with signature sheets from another 13 regions of the country — Siberia and the Volga region — arrived at the headquarters. Thus, voters in 58 out of 89 Russian regions have already expressed support for Russian presidential candidate Vladimir Putin.

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Co-chairman of the central headquarters, head physician of the capital’s hospital No. 52 Maryana Lysenko summed up the interim results of the subscription campaign.

To date (January 8 — RG note) we have collected more than 1 million 300 thousand signatures in support of our candidate for the post of President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin“, she said and reminded that, according to the law, the collection of signatures will last until the end of January. — Thus, the work is ongoing, it will continue now, and we hope that this figure will increase.

Meanwhile, headquarters lawyers began checking the documents received. “Our work at the headquarters has entered an active phase,” the rector of the Moscow State Law University (MSAL) told reporters. O. E. Kutafina Viktor Blazheev.

I think that materials from other regions will continue to arrive. The work will intensify every day, — he notes.

On New Year’s Eve, Vladimir Putin’s election website went live. And, as the head of the press service of the central headquarters, Alexander Suvorov, said, hacker attacks immediately began on him.

All necessary measures have been taken to protect the site. It works normallyshe said.

The website contains a campaign diary, a biography of the candidate, a list of proxies, contacts of the central and regional headquarters, where you can obtain information about points for collecting signatures.

Let us remind you that Vladimir Putin is running for a new presidential term as a self-nomination. To register as a candidate, he must submit to the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation at least 300 thousand valid voter signatures in his support. At the same time, no more than 7,500 signatures from one region. According to the law on the presidential elections of the Russian Federation, a candidate has the right to submit to the CEC an additional five percent of signatures in excess of the established quota — in case of detection of invalid signatures or incorrectly completed signature sheets. The deadline for submitting documents to the Central Election Commission is 18.00 January 31, 2024.

The Russian presidential elections will take place on March 15-17, 2024.

source: «Russian newspaper»

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