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Tax Service: Using a Model Charter Simplifies Business Registration

Tax Service: Using a Model Charter Simplifies Business Registration

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Founders of a legal entity using the service of the Federal Tax Service of Russia «Choosing a standard charter» online you can select the current version of the document for free.

Let us clarify that standard charters are standardized forms of constituent documents that organizations can choose on the website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia. The Ministry of Economic Development has developed 36 options that take into account the powers and secure the rights of community members. When using the service, it is enough to answer a number of questions, after which the system will offer several suitable charter options.

Any of the selected options will help a budding businessman avoid difficulties with the preparation of constituent documents, reduce material and time costs for the preparation of the charter, which meets all legal requirements.

The standard charter has a number of advantages:

  • There is no need to waste time and money on developing your own document. This work has already been done by the Ministry of Economic Development. All you need to do is choose the appropriate option.
  • The risk of registration refusal due to errors in the constituent document is eliminated.
  • The documents do not contain the address, name, or any other information about the organization, so if this information changes, there is no need to change the charter and send it to the tax service.
  • There is no need to monitor changes in legislation: all revisions and clarifications are automatically included in the version of the Charter selected in the service.
  • The standard charter is easy to present to counterparties — all texts are available on the website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia.
  • There is no need to keep a paper charter and receive duplicates from the tax service in case of damage or loss, therefore, there is no need to certify the charter with a notary for submission to a bank or government agencies.
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Both newly created and existing companies can operate on the basis of a standard charter. To do this, you must complete and submit an application for switching to a standard charter. The most convenient way to do this is through the service «State online business registration». The service will help you to form and send to the registration authority an application for transition to a standard charter in a few steps. The state fee for this registration action is not charged.

source: press service of the Federal Tax Service of Russia in Sevastopol

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