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Tennis player Mikhail Khodorchenko from Simferopol won silver in doubles in Armenia

Tennis player Mikhail Khodorchenko from Simferopol won silver in doubles in Armenia

CrimeaPRESS reports:

Mikhail Khodorchenko climbed to the podium in the men’s doubles category – with Muscovite Alexey Shibaev, the winner of the recent Russian championship among young men under 17. In a tense final, Khodorchenko and Shibaev lost to the international pair Jakub Smečky (Czech Republic) – Denis Višenchuk-Vishenko (Russia) – 1:2 (6:7, 6:1, 10:12), — reports «Crimean Sport».

The ITF series tournament brought together 126 athletes under the age of 18 from 16 countries.

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