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The All-Russian educational campaign “Share your Knowledge” is taking place in Sevastopol

The All-Russian educational campaign “Share your Knowledge” is taking place in Sevastopol

CrimeaPRESS reports:

As part of the All-Russian educational campaign “Share your Knowledge,” which runs from September 1 to 30, lecturers share their knowledge with schoolchildren and students across the country. Participants receive from lecturers both new information and honest answers to their questions about the future and development prospects of Russia. Deputy Head of the Department of Youth and Sports Affairs of Sevastopol Marina Slonchenko told students of the Trade and Economic College about opportunities for youth: forum campaigns, grant competitions at the regional and federal levels, promotions and projects.

Nowadays, many opportunities are open for young people both in their hometowns and at the all-Russian level, thanks to which children can acquire the necessary knowledge and skills and make useful connections to build a successful future. Our main task is to broadcast these opportunities and help them take advantage of them correctly.,” the press service of the Government of Sevastopol quotes Marina Slonchenko.

One of the new opportunities in 2023 is participation in the project to encourage active youth “Leaders of the Region 2023” as part of the program of civil-patriotic and socially useful youth tourism “More than a trip.” The project starts at the end of September. Participants can be young people aged 18 to 35 years old with achievements in various fields. The winners will be 200 people who will be able to travel and see the regions of our country and become familiar with the traditions and culture of different peoples.

source: press service of the Government of Sevastopol

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