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The All-Russian week of reducing the consumption of table salt has started

KrymPRESS informs:

The All-Russian Week of Reducing Salt Consumption has started on the initiative of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation in order to form a culture of healthy eating among citizens.

Table salt, also known as sodium chloride, usually called simply «salt», a person needs it just like any other living being. At the same time, excess consumption of sodium in the form of table salt increases blood pressure, which increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and its complications — heart attack, stroke, vascular dementia, retinopathy or sudden death. World Health Organization experts believe that a healthy person living in a temperate climate needs no more than 5 g of salt per day.

limiting the intake of foods high in salt (salt, smoked meats, soy sauce, etc.) helps to reduce the burden of arterial hypertension.

Iodized salt is ordinary table salt (sodium chloride), which contains chemically added potassium iodide or iodate. The cost of iodized salt is only 10% higher than the cost of ordinary table salt.

The recommended amount of iodine for a person in accordance with the needs of the human body is 150-200 mcg/day, which is provided by 4-5 grams of iodized salt. Consumption of iodized salt contributes to the prevention of endocrine disorders and diseases of the nervous system of newborns and young children.

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