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The Alupka Museum-Reserve presents a new project — “Music Salon in the Vorontsov Palace”

The Alupka Museum-Reserve presents a new project — “Music Salon in the Vorontsov Palace”

CrimeaPRESS reports:

The Alupka Palace and Park Museum-Reserve has begun implementing a new museum project, “Music Salon in the Vorontsov Palace.” The first program of the project was dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding composer and pianist Sergei Rachmaninov.

The Alupka Museum-Reserve presents a new project - “Music Salon in the Vorontsov Palace”

The music salon is organized in the creative union of the Alupka Museum-Reserve, the St. Petersburg House of Music (artistic director — People’s Artist of Russia, Professor Sergei Roldugin) and the Crimean Academic Russian Drama Theater named after. M. Gorky— reported the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Crimea.

The Alupka Museum-Reserve presents a new project - “Music Salon in the Vorontsov Palace”

The director of the museum, Alexander Balinchenko, addressed the guests of the evening with a welcoming speech, who noted that the new project is the first step in reviving the traditions of the Vorontsovs’ chamber evenings.

The Alupka Museum-Reserve presents a new project - “Music Salon in the Vorontsov Palace”

The highlight of the evening was the gift of a wonderful musical instrument. The Shigeru Kawai SK-EX-L concert grand piano, which is an instrument of a high professional class, was donated to the museum-reserve by the Sergei Roldugin “Revival of Traditions” Foundation.

The Alupka Museum-Reserve presents a new project - “Music Salon in the Vorontsov Palace”

During the event, the artists of the Crimean theater read out a fragment of correspondence between Mikhail Vorontsov and Mikhail Shchepkin, and also presented an excerpt from Nikolai Gogol’s poem “Dead Souls”.

The Alupka Museum-Reserve presents a new project - “Music Salon in the Vorontsov Palace”

The evening continued with performances by talented performers from the St. Petersburg House of Music. Laureates of international competitions performed the musical masterpieces of Sergei Rachmaninov, conveying the fullness of the works and the range of feelings of the outstanding composer,” noted the Ministry of Culture of Crimea.

The Alupka Museum-Reserve presents a new project - “Music Salon in the Vorontsov Palace”

Photo: Alupka Palace and Park Museum-Reserve.

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