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The best Crimean holidaymaker is a Moscow resident

The best Crimean holidaymaker is a Moscow resident

CrimeaPRESS reports:

On Monday, July 15, Evpatoria celebrated the Day of the Resort Visitor. This holiday was established in 2004 and has become one of the most popular events of the summer.

During the day, various events were held in the city, which began with morning exercises and jogging, then continued with a swim on inflatable swimming vehicles, free excursions to museums and ended with the traditional competition «Best Vacationer — 2024» and an awards ceremony for the winners. This year, 24 people from different cities of Russia competed for the title of best vacationer. They completed complex creative and sports tasks. The winner, who won the main prize — a trip for two to vacation in Yevpatoriya in 2025, was Moscow resident Oleg Ponomarenko— the press service of the Yevpatoria administration reported.

The best Crimean holidaymaker is a Moscow resident The best Crimean holidaymaker is a Moscow resident The best Crimean holidaymaker is a Moscow resident The best Crimean holidaymaker is a Moscow resident The best Crimean holidaymaker is a Moscow resident

source: press service of the Evpatoria administration

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