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The big Eid al-Adha holiday took place in Simferopol

The big Eid al-Adha holiday took place in Simferopol

CrimeaPRESS reports:

In the Fontana microdistrict of the city of Simferopol, on the territory adjacent to the mosque, a solemn event was held to mark the celebration of Kurban Bayram.

The republican holiday was attended by more than a thousand people. A concert program was prepared for the guests with performances by the Crimean Tatar folk ensemble “Kyrym” and children’s creative groups, an exhibition-fair of products by masters of decorative and applied arts, a competition in the national wrestling Kuresh was held, and at the end everyone was treated to a festive pilaf. The youngest guests were entertained by the animators of the children’s party studio «Field of Miracles», the organizers pleased them with sweet gifts— reported the press service of the Muslim Spiritual Board of Crimea.

The event on the occasion of the celebration of Kurban Bayram was organized by the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol with the assistance of the State Committee for Interethnic Relations, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Crimea, the House of Friendship of Peoples and the Administration of Simferopol.

On behalf of the Mufti of Crimea, special gratitude was expressed to the patrons who provided support for the event — public figure Enver Mudtalipovich Reshitov, the teaching staff of school 44 named after Alima Abdennanova and personally the director Gulnara Narimanovna Murtazaeva, Elvina Refatovna Kurseitova and Usein Yakubovich Kurseitov, Asan Ebazerovich Umerov — Wholesale meat warehouse “Myasnoy Dom”, LLC Krymtorg to General Director Eyupov Safet Serverovich.

source: SUMK press service

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